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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Well, I can swap to safety mode. Unless all your lasers have that functionality, I think I have a multimode.
  2. EllyEnthusiastic

    SciFi repair help - ex SciFi customers only!

    Boy, I can't believe Eitan's fallout is still affecting people so many months later. Pman, Grainde-- Kudos to you both for your help.
  3. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Podo, do you have a video showing how you switch between modes on your multimode lasers? You said do a half tap to change modes, but that doesn't seem to work for me.
  4. EllyEnthusiastic

    Burning Stuff with my "Little Giant" 1W 405!

    Poor Sta .. are you going to replace the laser with the funds you got from licensing the video?
  5. EllyEnthusiastic

    Star Wars: Episode II Anakin Skywalker's Mini- Lightsaber Laser 445nm 500mw

    That's neat! Is the focusing ring still accessible?
  6. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Got my batteries yesterday (purple efest IMRs from mountain electronics)! Charged em up, the dot profile is definitely different (probably due to the replaced diode), but it seems to be working fine now. The...
  7. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Just got my repaired laser back from Sanwu yesterday! Now I only need to figure out how to get a few 14500s into Canada. It seems most sites won't ship here, and the ones that do charge twice what the...
  8. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Fantastic, thanks! I'll order the flat top batteries today. What was wrong with it in the first place? Also, just a reminder to send it to the alternate address I gave you, not the one you originally sent...
  9. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Hey Podo, have you received my laser yet? I sent it about three weeks ago, and according to the USPS estimates, it should be arriving soon.
  10. EllyEnthusiastic

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Hey Podo, you got my message, right? I sent my laser to you for repairs last Thursday, please let me know when you get it, and please send it to the alternate address I gave when it's fixed. Thanks!
  11. EllyEnthusiastic

    Laser Weapons

    War fighters? You mean fighter jets, or soldiers? I've never heard that term.
  12. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sanwu Spiker case positive?

    Nice pictures! Have you tried catching a cloud with your expanded beam?
  13. EllyEnthusiastic

    Cree attack head flashlight mod

    Nice build! Do the spikes get in the way of the focusing nob?
  14. EllyEnthusiastic

    SANWU Challanger 2

    Wait, you're right, that listing is for two cells .. you know, because it says so in the title. Oops! Thanks for the help! /thread derailment
  15. EllyEnthusiastic

    SANWU Challanger 2

    My laser's 1W. I'm interested in buying the Sanyo over the efest, as the Sanyo comes with two batteries. I don't plan on powering anything more powerful than 1W with 14500s. Any stronger laser I own will probably have a bigger heatsink, thus a bigger host, thus room for wider, higher capacity...
  16. EllyEnthusiastic

    SANWU Challanger 2

    Do you know if these are legit UR14500Ps? The cases are blank, but that seems consistent with other sites.
  17. EllyEnthusiastic

    SANWU Challanger 2

    Do you have a specific brand you recommend? I need to buy some flat tops 14500s for my Challenger, but I can't find any reputable brand that sells them. They're all button tops, which don't fit the Challenger 1.
  18. EllyEnthusiastic

    Greetings Beam Masters

    Welcome to LPF! Your avatar's great, I love the spinning rings.
  19. EllyEnthusiastic

    Need good glasses for 7+ watt 445

    You're going to screw up your own vision or someone else's..
  20. EllyEnthusiastic

    The Laser Safety Checklist - Be aware of your environment

    You'd also want to make sure your beam dump is painted matte black. Don't want any chance for a reflection to happen, heh!
