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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. usedwolverine56

    For Sale: Nova Lasers X-Series X75 532nm Laser

    I didn't mean to be disrespectful, I was confused. I thought when I offered $90 you meant "I can do free shipping on $90" not just "I can do free shipping on $120" Sorry for everything. I can delete my post, if you want.
  2. usedwolverine56

    For Sale: Nova Lasers X-Series X75 532nm Laser

    I think that was because I offered him $90 and he said "The best I can do is $110." Kind of overpriced IMO. I agree with gozert on that %100.
  3. usedwolverine56

    SOLD - 500mw Green Laser with Battery/Charger and Safety Goggles

    Re: For Sale - 500mw Green Laser with Battery/Charger and Safety Goggles Good luck with sales. But if anyone else is like me, I only buy high quality lasers.
  4. usedwolverine56

    Welcome to the forums. I see you are from MN, me some other members live here too.

    Welcome to the forums. I see you are from MN, me some other members live here too.
  5. usedwolverine56

    Hey, I live in Fridley.. It's next to Minneapolis.

    Hey, I live in Fridley.. It's next to Minneapolis.
  6. usedwolverine56

    Hey dude, I used to live in Roseville, lol.

    Hey dude, I used to live in Roseville, lol.
  7. usedwolverine56

    Prices Dropped! KRNAZNBOY's House Cleaning Sale!!!

    Re: KRNAZNBOY's House Cleaning Sale!!! Looks nice, fair prices, cool stuff.. Good luck with the sales.
  8. usedwolverine56

    SOLD: Nvidia GTX Titan X graphics card

    Re: For sale: Nvidia GTX Titan X graphics card Cool, I could use another graphics card, but I don't have enough saved & already have one lol. Good luck on the sale!
  9. usedwolverine56

    WTB - Old Wicked Lasers Dragon Case - pm me please

    I would like one aswell, if you have more than one. Otherwise just sell to him lol. Could you PM me a picture of it?
  10. usedwolverine56

    I'm back, baby

    Welcome back from the dephs of 2007. Nothing has changed and there are still shitty memes everywhere.
  11. usedwolverine56

    PayPal TOOK all my money (Account Limitations)

    That sucks, I hope that gets resolved, I've been scammed by someone and PayPal payed me the money back. I guess PayPal are the scammers now.
  12. usedwolverine56

    Laser cutting thin brass shim

    Welcome to the forums! I'm not the person that knows about that stuff, just wanted to say welcome.
  13. usedwolverine56

    WTB:1w 532nm laser pointer

    Well, you have a 600mw jetlasers.. why not get a higher powered version?
  14. usedwolverine56

    Am in China now!

    I like how a conversation about China turned into talking about shit.
  15. usedwolverine56

    Selling lasers, handheld 445, lab 473, pen 593.5

    Yes, but don't reserve it for me because it will be a while until I can buy it. PayPal right?
  16. usedwolverine56

    Selling lasers, handheld 445, lab 473, pen 593.5

    Interested in your 473 labby, and I calculated £150 to USD and it ended up at $230.44. You can do that yourself it will end up the same, just putting this out for U.S. people.
  17. usedwolverine56

    Looking For: Beam Expander

    There is also a thread by 'FlutterPie' he is selling a Dragon Lasers BE.
  18. usedwolverine56

    LaserComponents Australia Update 7/7/16

    Re: LaserComponents Australia (New Aussie Laser store) Noice mate I am not Australian but holy doulie my trackie dacks are off of my legs.
  19. usedwolverine56

    What grade are you in?

    What grade are you in?
