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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Minamoto Kobayashi

    Here I am again, for a brief, but heartfelt greeting.

    Hello dear guys. It's been a long time, maybe someone still remembers me. I'm in bad shape, very bad. But my mind is still clear, and I still have you all in my heart. I have never forgotten you, and I never could. In here I experienced very strong emotions and I also had many, many...
  2. Minamoto Kobayashi

    Back from the hell and beyond.

    With immense pleasure here I am again among you, who have been, and still are, my second family. I do not want to annoy you absolutely with all that I have suffered and that I am still undergoing, but I will try to be with you again as much as possible, as long as I am allowed. For the moment I...
  3. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hello friends, I'm here. With a surgical operation now I have a "stent", a mechanical palliative device that permit me to survive some months more. I wish to thank deeply hakzaw1 and all the members that have been close to me during this devastating period. And after 53 years of my life spent...
  4. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hi Snoop. Nope, You cannot change the diode. In a custom build like that it would be to redo everything from scratch, everything! But I have a good new for You: if everything goes in the right direction, tomorrow I should sell a cyclopic collection of old books for a total of about 1200 dollars...
  5. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Sorry dudes, laser not available for selling anymore .. decanned diode LEDed just now ... :cry::cry:
  6. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Sincerely I can't understand why Connie exudes a nastiness and hatred towards those who are simply trying to help me to sell the latest pieces of my collection. Is it a crime to resurrect old posts? Many users would not have known about these old articles without an updated answer. Please stop...
  7. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hi Alex. I see Your donation in my Paypal account just now. Have You ever seen the film "Conversations with God" from the original bestseller by Neale Donald Walsch? The leading actor was helped by many of his poor new friends, companions of misfortune. When a day he hear the divine voice of God...
  8. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Money received, prepping the package. Please send me PM with You full complete address and the phone number for the FedEx, thanks!
  9. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hi Hakzaw1. Extremely needed and appreciated! Please bring my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Gray !!
  10. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Sick? It is simply perfect! The building and the painting are awesome, the mechanics are smooth and precise, and the heatsink is made by a massive block of copper! Less than an hour of working time, no imperfections or issues. Yes, I sold the Laserbee.
  11. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hi Alaskan .. have You cancelled Your reply here? A BIG THANK YOU for Your generous offer! Actually I really needed it!
  12. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    The LEDs are blue. All the specs are shown here: https://www.laserbeelpm.com/7w-sold-out.html I bought it back in 2014, but sincerely I do not know if these kind of tools need to be recalibrated in the time, also if keeped with cure. The most important thing for these devices is to not...
  13. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hi Snecho. Added the requested pictures to the main thread!
  14. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Added new items to sell in the main thread!
  15. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hello friends. Thanks Alaskan, You have done a great gift for me! Thanks also to Mr. RedCowboy for the nice donation, all this means a lot for me!
  16. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hello RedCowboy, and thanks for Your effort! I haven't received You donation yet, but I fear that the issue is in the caps letters: the correct address is " supercelll@yahoo.com " (with three "L" and everything in lowercase letters). Sorry for the trouble, but I was forced to use three "L"...
  17. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hello forum. First of all I wish to thank from the deep of my heart Mr.Kenneth to have sent me a generous donation to my Paypal account! I do not know him, I have never spoken with him, and this certainly doubles the value of his action because he did all this simply on trust .. thanks again...
  18. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Hi Alaskan, nice to hear You again but .. my name is Richard LOL :LOL: Sorry I do not have anything similar for You ...
  19. Minamoto Kobayashi

    I'm selling some masterpieces from my handheld collection ...

    Dear Hakzaw1, You should receive the item next Monday!
