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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. barthchris

    New Colossal UV Laser Diode - Nuvoton KLC432FL01WW - 3.3W 405nm and Beyond!

    My preference for far field has been the 2E lens but you just convinced me to get with the times and buy several G8 lenses...
  2. barthchris

    Incredibly powerful single-mode semiconductor lasers on the horizon

    I was skeptical that star wars type laser weapons would ever be practical in my lifetime. Now Im not so sure and Im someone who is very skeptical with claims of what will be the next greatest thing. Chesk this out. It really is mindblowing. The small 1mm prototype was fed with 110A, 3mm...
  3. barthchris

    New Colossal UV Laser Diode - Nuvoton KLC432FL01WW - 3.3W 405nm and Beyond!

    Gotcha. I wonder if pumping is the reason this diode exists. Certainly, there can't be much of a market for BR writers. I spied this diode on Aliexp a while back. Got excited and then looked at the price. Lol! Even though it's a multimode I would love to have multi watt 405. I love...
  4. barthchris

    New Colossal UV Laser Diode - Nuvoton KLC432FL01WW - 3.3W 405nm and Beyond!

    Wow!!!! I'm assuming this is a multimode diode??
  5. barthchris

    a few new pics

    Yeah, posted on my phone, could tell something went wrong but didnt have time to fix.. Basically was commenting about the amazing pics from the OP (bruce).
  6. barthchris

    a few new pics

    text·</span> box">
  7. barthchris

    FDA compliance for manufacturers, some insight is needed

    The answer is no. Lasers are uniquely hazardous in that light properties can focus down to a very small, intense spot easily burning the retina. Sure, a broadband source of light (almost anything not a laser) can do this if its bright enough(nuke bomb bright) but it's highly unlikely
  8. barthchris

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    I bought some of these from Techhood. https://www.ebay.com/itm/264557183792 The package was smashed during transit but I was able to salvage one diode even though the output window was smashed and pins were pressed so hard they almost cold welded to the diode casing. (Ringo?) did...
  9. barthchris

    100W Blue Laser Exploding/Vaporizing Black Coffee.. (Video)

    I'm trying to figure out if you're pausing between because you aiming, letting the laser cool a little or if your eyes are screaming in pain! Recently I was so close to pulling the trigger and making the same basic thing you have made. Even though they are an incredible watt per $ price...
  10. barthchris

    a few new pics

    Wow just wow!!!! Those pics are incredible. Are the mirrors all FS mirrors? Even the large ones on the base? If not just find some old CRT projection TVs giveaways on craigslist or if you are lucky enough to be able to raid the electronics recycling container at your local landfill/collection...
  11. barthchris

    POLL - Close the politics thread?

    I’ve been here quite some time. Not a super active poster because I have too many hobbies but I do read a lot here. Never once have I ventured into the political thread. I doubt new users will venture over there but maybe so. I’ve thought about people getting offended. It’s my opinion that...
  12. barthchris

    Great reading on laser diodes

    Yes, it is. For me it didn’t dive too far into the weeds that the information was overwhelming but it also wasn’t simplified to the point of losing interest. Failure mechanisms was my favorite part. I betting that anyone who has been around here for a while has a whole pile of dead diodes...
  13. barthchris

    Sale thread/ Hosts/Heat Sinks/Focus adapters/lasers

    Wow! received some of Rich’s beautiful creations. Shipping was close to light speed. Everything was meticulous and meticulously packed. Even little touches like heat shrink and the Allen key for set screws. Well done Rich! Seriously, I’m just blow away! Chris
  14. barthchris

    Great reading on laser diodes

    I recently stumbled upon this. Great source of in depth information about these little photon amplifiers we all know and love. Created by the manufacturer of the equipment that slice/dice the semiconductor material that forms the optical cavity/gain medium https://www.tomosemi.com/wiki/
  15. barthchris

    New drivers coming!

    GTFO of here with your negative, condescending attitude. What contribution are you making other than making yourself look like an ass? Seriously, if you talked like that to someone in real life you would eventually get your ass beat. Probably not even a EE lol! Even if you were you...
  16. barthchris

    New drivers coming!

    Some people haven’t learned social skills yet. Seems to be a common thing among “ laser nerds” lol! I’ve been here quite some time, I’ve noticed some can be really confrontational. Yea, it all boils down to insecurity or some other weird incel type shit I seriously doubt they would ever...
  17. barthchris

    Sale thread/ Hosts/Heat Sinks/Focus adapters/lasers

    I Add this to my last order!!
