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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. badboybilly

    20a test load + 24× M140 diodes

    Hi guys It's been a while,. Hope you all good, I would have expanded to insane custom lasers by now if I didn't have the drama I did with the law over a year ago now,. Anyhow since it's illegal in Aussie land and considered a dangerous weapon I can no longer continue with this hoby,. I'm to...
  2. badboybilly

    Custom builds SALE!

    I have a couple build guys, Been wanting to post them for a few days now but the forum changes have been delaying me, Suppose I was used to the other layout, First up I have a brass mitts build with a 1.4a boost driver, It’s doing 800mw with a 2 element AR coated 650 lens, it takes a...
  3. badboybilly

    What a cheap laser can do, Beware!

    Just saw this and thought I would share, The mum said here son staired into The cheap laser for 2 seconds, if true something to keep in mind for everyone. https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-9-virtually-blinded-both-13194936.amp?source=images
  4. badboybilly

    PGL-III-C Rebuild 490 SOLD!

    I’ve had this host nearly a year sitting in the draw finally was inspired to rebuild it, well actually it was never a build host it was sent empty with the 589 module I bought from DL. I went with another 490 Sharp diode and Flexdrive set at 300ma. For the housing led I had a 3led RGB board...
  5. badboybilly

    Oclaro 700 AMC7135

    It’s about time I built something different, it’s been a while since I’ve done a red Build, Such a nice colour at this power, I’ve seen a few threads mention with the AMC7135 driver the diode needs to be isolated or host positive, That’s just not the case, I think there are a few...
  6. badboybilly

    LED 505 wavelength shift!

    I’ve had a few mishaps lately, Nothing to be ashamed about though it happens To everyone from time to time, I showed a LED 490 diode changing wavelength with current increase-decrease Before, And now my lovely LED 505 diode still attached to driver and just increasing power supply from...
  7. badboybilly


    Interesting, Looks like plates rather than blocks, Working current said 2a probably a typo, Spec sheet said 3a Max 3.5 Anyone checked them out or bought one yet please share! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F263879924576 Sorry...
  8. badboybilly

    Simple cylindrical correction module housing SOLD

    Hi guys! So a similar style from one of my previous corrected builds i did a while back, thread here! https://laserpointerforums.com/f40/custom-corrected-nubm08-blackbuck-adjustable-6w-99500.html I decided to modify this host for a cylindrical corrected build but I won’t be completing...
  9. badboybilly

    Sharp New Favorite!

    My favorite diode was always the Sharp 473 that we had a while back, since they are all gone it has been the 488-490,s now I’m not sure what happend exactly but I now have a new favorite, and it’s not like I haven’t seen these before, This 505 diode is just insane, I should have put it in my...
  10. badboybilly

    Brass host!

    Hi Decided to sell this brass host I built resently just as a host, Latching rear switch momentary side switch both steanless steel, Takes one 14500 battery Top cap for adjustment, sits flush with host. $70us
  11. badboybilly

    M462-Flex pen sold

    Hi guys I have this lovely alloy pen I just finished Originally was planning on a dual battery SXD host but ended with a Flexdrive and One 14500 and spacer! Still great though for someone wanting Option of changing diode and driver later On. Brand new M462 diode from DTR and 2 Element...
  12. badboybilly

    Complete lasers- great prices

    Gday my fellow LPFers, From Downunder! So been very busy lately with work but also Found the time to build a few Custom pieces, These babies have taken Me 6 weeks from start to finish, A few hrs here and there and I always Take my time and perfect every detail as some...
  13. badboybilly

    We’re to buy our favourite silicone wire

    So just wondering were everybody is buying there wire now that budgetbeams is gone and Jeff-Flaminpyro is unreachable most of the time, I’ve bought from so many sellers on eBay and just can’t find the good stuff, Jordan was nice enough to send me some but curious were everyone is buying from!
  14. badboybilly

    Boost/Buck driver

    Hey Great news, just saw a new buck/boost driver from Xwoosy-Vladimir I’m not sure if it’s been discussed yet, I hope he comes out with a much higher current boost driver next but for know this Is great, a reliable good quality driver for our precious expensive diodes, What do you all think...
  15. badboybilly

    Fun Convertable rebuild

    I bought a used Challenger2 recently for a higher power mod, But a small 2.4a boost driver is hard to find so I decided to swap out the 3.8mm 405 and use a New Osram 1.6w diode and a 1.8a xdrive, The brass threaded module has a small round ring that holds a 3.8mm diode, When ring is removed...
  16. badboybilly

    16xBDR NANO Custom Convertable Build

    This jem is far from my normal size laser builds, I’m selling it as is with new 16X bdr209 and Nano boost driver at .5a, Driver is soldered directly to diode pins, The great thing about this laser is the module with diode and driver unscrews from the head and is a seperate piece with plenty...
  17. badboybilly

    1.1w Custom Brass NDG7475

    Hi This started out 2 pieces, head and body soon realised there wasn’t going to be enough room for what I wanted so added a middle section witch turned this into a work of art, Now that I had plenty room decided to add a voltage monitor, I had ordered a green display but it isn’t as bright...
  18. badboybilly

    Red Gball coming soon

    Just found this link high power red with Gball soon to be around, This was last year so it’s probably already in projectors out there, 2.5w pulse even if it’s as bad as the NUBM44 still a good thing and Gball diodes are cheap so let’s just hope. ML562H84 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC News Releases...
  19. badboybilly

    Feedback on laser design and sale!

    Hi I’m after some feedback! I haven’t had a custom design build of mine sit for this long before, I was positive that this build would be a quick sale, I had a few very nice comment from the usual fans, but that’s it, NUBMO8 is cheap but 455nm So posibbly brighter than the NUBM44 at 7w and...
  20. badboybilly

    NOW SOLD! Custom NUBMO8 SXB 5w

    Hi all Here is something special and it’s for sale first to PM! 26mm SXB Boost 4.5a driver set at 3.4 NUBMO8 diode with Gball intact, 5w output! Takes 1 IMR 26650 Momentary side switch with Ledlight only! 2 piece pill one for driver and one for contact board, no springs just solid...
