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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. dubious speculation

    Nature Shots

    I have always been interested in photography but have never had a capable camera to shoot with. Well I recently bought a decent phone (LG G4) which is quite a joy to shoot with. Some of these photos I've already posted in the Random Pics thread but thought I'd share a few more here. I'd...
  2. dubious speculation

    Handheld compressed air Cannon!

    Thought it'd be a cool weekend project. Not much $$$ + bit of time and patience = all kinds of awesome! Total cost was around $150 AUS (would be more like $15 in the states... or anywhere else for that matter) The 'rifle' works on an extremely basic design. The entire rifle holds around...
  3. dubious speculation

    WTB: Variable Power Supply

    A Variable PS is something that I've always "needed" in my life... (merely to fuel my laser and flashlight 'addiction' :rolleyes:), so I've finally decided to get one. I'd like to keep costs below $100 if possible. my requirements are pretty basic, up to 10A would be nice but is not...
  4. dubious speculation

    WTB: Multimeter ~$80

    Hey guys, Well I am in need of a serious upgrade from my current Dicksmith cheap shit-ass multimeter. \/\/\/\/ I do not need something with amazing 0.01% accuracy or amazing safety features since I am not going to be measuring high voltages or mains power supply circuits. One of my...
  5. dubious speculation

    Build/review: 1W 638nm MS-V1 [pic-heavy]

    1W 638nm MS-V1Note: my 500th post! :D Hey all, This thread has been in the works for a long time, I wanted it to be as worthwhile as possible so I hope you guys enjoy it. Having finished my first 638nm build I would like to share my experiences with the MS-V1 host combined with the fabled...
  6. dubious speculation

    GB for Ultrafire f13 for $9.99!

    This is a link to a GB over at BLF for an ultrafire f13 for $9.99! The light is a 26650 XML light that has superior throw to a c8. I am told the stock light provides 2.4 amps to the emitter. You don't have to be a member of BLF to participate. Simply copy the coupon code and apply it when you...
  7. dubious speculation

    What keeps you going?

    Lately there have been many members who have posted FS threads which state that their interest in the hobby has diminished and that all their lasers are up for grabs. Not just a few, but quite a number of members. As well as long time vets who invested enormous amounts of time and money in the...
  8. dubious speculation

    First Build: 9mm MS-SSW! (pic heavy)

    First build :eg: 445nm 3w 9mm MS-SSW Fellow members of the community, I present to you today an account of my first build, born on the 6/2 2014. If you wish to skip the introductory treatment just scroll down to the pics :) With that out of the way lets start at the beginning. This journey...
  9. dubious speculation

    X-drive v6 questions

    This may sound like the most stupid question but better safe than sorry. I have an x-drive v6 driver installed into an MS-SSW pill and am about to solder the drivers wires to the 9mm diode so I can finally turn this beast on :eg: My question is that, do I need to short the driver prior to...
  10. dubious speculation

    Fasttechs 'Express shipping only' policy?

    I was just browsing FT with the intent of buying some panasonic batteries since FT has one of the cheapest prices on authentic cells... But now, every single battery on their site has this new 'express shipping only' tag. This means that every battery you buy has to be shipped via express...
  11. dubious speculation

    What lights to buy?

    Hey everyone, As of recently I have caught the flashlight bug :) Mainly from my desire to have a decent light for when I go 4 wheel driving and from the resident flashaholics of the forum :) I have perused the flashlight threads for a while, mainly these ones...
  12. dubious speculation

    WTB 26650 batteries

    hey everyone, currently i am building an MS-SSW 9mm at 2.2 amps, ive searched and searched for batteries and i came to the trustfire 26650 batteries that Blord reviewed, but then i read a few threads saying that the King Kong Batteries are the best 26650 batteries, so i sent Hakzaw1 a PM and...
  13. dubious speculation

    first try at laser photography :)

    So it was a nice foggy night tonight so I thought I might have a crack at photographing some photon beams :D Any tips or suggestions feel free to comment seeing as this is my first time doing this. My camera isn't very special either, I'm using a Nikon coolpix S3000 set to automatic exposure...
  14. dubious speculation

    My somewhat delayed introduction

    So I've been a member for a few months now and while I was just welcoming another new member I realized that I had not even introduced myself in the usual manner :o So here it is, Currently I am a student in my final year of schooling, I'm majoring in chemistry and physics and I am going to...
  15. dubious speculation

    2watt 445nm build questions

    Hey everyone, As some of you may know I'm currently in the process of building a C2 445 2W+ build. I have a few questions about the build and in particular the host, my main goal is to achieve a 2watt output with an m140 with a decent duty cycle So for the host I can't decide between the c6 or...
  16. dubious speculation

    WTB 16340 Batteries and Charger

    Hi all, I'm starting to build my 445nm build in a C2 host, i've always wondered what to buy for 16340's but there just seems an endless selection of cheap and expensive batteries and chargers. first off for the charger i've considered the nitecore i2 or i4 universal charger, $14.80...
  17. dubious speculation

    DealExtreme 1.25A driver?

    hello all, this is my first thread so go easy on me. I'm very interested in building a 1watt 445nm blue laser into a C6 host. i have all the parts listed and know what to buy. the only thing i'm not sure about is the driver, 18V 5W Cree Circuit Board for Flashlights (16.8mm*5.5mm) - Free...
