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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. Leodahsan

    520nm diodes - new kid on the block - More powah

    Hey all. I opened this thread to share something I found, that people may not be aware of. First of all. Everything is speculation. The only way to confirm this info, is buying the diodes. I think everyone here knows the PL520's. They cost $85 on DTR Laser Shop. Fine. Its a 50mW rated diode...
  2. Leodahsan

    CNC laser engraver - its almost time

    Hey all I'd like to tell everyone a good thing that happened in my life. Heheh :wave: Where I study electronics, all are required to form students pairs and build from scratch a BIG project, electronics related. business owners, big people watches the event, that will happen in around 1 year...
  3. Leodahsan

    GBFeeler? 405-G-2 $20 ea @ Laser66! 1 Week only sale, 445 9mm lens (G9) on dhgate?

    Hey all I'd like to share that (maybe people already know it), I was searching about NDB7875 and NDB7775 (if this exist), and ended up finding some lens for sell... here. And there are more china like sites that are selling those. 60 pieces/lot, though. $800 a lot! 700 bucks at Ali express...
  4. Leodahsan

    Green light from A140/M140 diode

    Hey all. Something weird happened some days ago. I got a blown A140/M140 (don't know) and direct-drove it with a 3000mAh Li-ion battery... WITHOUT A MODULE. Just the bare diode. It was COD'd anyways. So I just saw that round, weak, blue emission. Thats fine. After some time the diode started to...
  5. Leodahsan

    Techhood parts GOOD seller

    Hey all I ordered some parts from the Ebay seller techhood (named "Robinson") and got pretty happy with the results. [ FIRST IMAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED LEGAL ISSUES ] I've never seen this seller (he don't have a site, its under construction) so I just gave it a shot. I ordered 4x modules w/...
  6. Leodahsan

    Decanning Laser Diode + macro shots - Leo's method (Pic Heavy)

    DISCLAIMER: IF YOU TRY TO DECAN YOUR DIODE AND BLOW IT, IT IS NOT MY, OR LPF'S FAULT. IT IS YOUR FAULT!! Hey all. As I have decanned the laser diode used in my aurora build (see sig) I'd like to share how I did with the community. Decanning made easy at last!! :P For this thread, I've...
  7. Leodahsan

    Temperature Shutdown - Auto duty-cycler (schematics)

    Hey all. As many here may already know, I'm studying electronics at one of the biggest colleges of Brazil. So we already finished op-amps and I figured something useful that I didn't see interest. A temperature shutdown circuit. How it works? A 3mm thermistor is epoxy glued behind a laser...
  8. Leodahsan

    Chromed Aurora SH-032 host - 445nm BUILD!

    Sorry for bad pic quality. All were taken with my crap HTC G1 phone camera. Hey all. Welcome to my build thread about the Aurora SH-032 Host (by jayrob) ! (click here to see his thread) Specifications Diode --------------------- Decanned M140 diode (By DTR) Driver ---------------------...
  9. Leodahsan

    Corrective Optics Setup; How to?

    Hey all. Its been a while that I posted something on LPF. More than a year... I feel like back to home really. Anyways, I'd like to have some advice. I got some Dr. Lava Corrective Optics some time ago and was planning to have someone to machine for me some kind of holder for a portable...
  10. Leodahsan

    Jayrob kits

    I've got the SolarForce L2P kit: and I have to say.. Even my GF found that beautiful. They are incredibly finished and VERY well heatsinked. The price is a tad expensive but, who cares, its VERY cool!! :) I got the Stainless steel 18650 (aka 'aurora' kit) too.. These are very beautiful...
  11. Leodahsan

    SHORTEST REVIEW - Eagle Pair Goggles

    They are the bomb, every laserist should own at least 5. It completely reflects 445nm light, around 1W output goes to.. zero! I don't have an LPM but, in a completely dark room, the only light that goes thru are the fluorescence of the goggles, VERY DIM yellowish light. Bought a pair for me and...
  12. Leodahsan

    eBay 5mW 473nm hmm.. $75?

    473 nm Blue Laser, DPSS, B&W Tek BWB-10-OEM - eBay (item 220660063507 end time Mar-23-11 15:47:07 PDT) it says used but anyways, is it worth it?
  13. Leodahsan

    Anyone with extra flexdrives out there?

    I'm buying for reasonable prices. I still need 8 of they. :beer:
  14. Leodahsan

    Suggestion; "What I'm Doing Now" Bar

    Oh well people, here I am again. As many of you might have seen, LPF has turned into a place where we all have Profiles (like facebook, twitter etc) and many of us have many friends here (like me) and I was asking myself these days, when people PMed me and when I saw some posts a member in the...
  15. Leodahsan


    Problem solved
  16. Leodahsan

    Some pics of a beautiful place, Brazil

    Howdy people.. I've gone into a 'one-day' vacation yesterday and took some pics to share the place with my friends and everyone to LPF!! :D It is in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Gramado (I know it means LAWN in english.. the place is called Gramado): PIC 1 PIC 2 PIC 3 PIC 4 they are linked...
  17. Leodahsan

    Virtual village - USA Shipping

    I bought something from they (didn't arrived yet) yesterday, and I just saw they sell lasers, and ship to USA... I found they on eBay. Lasers | Virtual Village - US The prices are a *little* inflated... But they ship to USA. someone can give further explanations on this ;) Disclaimer: I'm in...
  18. Leodahsan

    Rayfoss website: DOWN?

    Rayfoss website seems to be down. I'm a little skeptic, I ordered some things, that haven't got shipped yet (today is the day..), I'm afraid something bad could happen, I talked to Faona yesterday and everything seemed common. Anyone can tell me anything? :beer:
  19. Leodahsan

    digital camera.. from Dealextreme??

    Here... Compared to Brazil prices (around $500) for a similar *branded* model, this one is dirt cheap. Around $120 with 4 rechargeable cells and 4gb flash. I want it for some shots.. of lasers etc, like good quality in close range. Anyone expertised in camera can analyze the info (lens info) and...
  20. Leodahsan

    Rayfoss C03 - Ordered

    Hello all, and welcome to my review thread of the Rayfoss C03! (please observe that english, not being my natural language, you could notice some 'failures' on proper diction/grammar. Please, if you notice any statement that could not be properly understood, contact me and I'll explain and edit...
