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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Rafa

    GITD Paint in DX

    $2.70 - Glow-In-The-Dark Nail Polish - Green (9.85ML) - Practical Joke Gadgets i think this has a nice price.... it may be useful/fun for laser stuff
  2. Rafa

    Removing cigarette smell from clothing..?

    Hi guys! I'm sick of my family, they are smoking ALL THE DAY. It's truly amazing, I don't even know how they can smell anything (well I really wonder if they can). Not mentioning all the money they waste on those diasease sicks, they smell HORRIBLE, believe me, I didn't smoke even one time...
  3. Rafa

    445 nm direct drive

    OMG i don't have a driver yet but today there is a frekin FOG you jujst can't imagine it. I NEED to see the 445nm beam in this. Can I direct driver the xj diodes with only a resistor and a 18650? or is it too dangerous? i promise beamshots! Thanks
  4. Rafa

    Free 780nm LDs from 52X CD burners.

    So, they are useless for me, dangerous as they are IR, and I just dont want them. So why not to give them free? If you don't live out of EU I will not charge anything for the shipping. For the US maybe... $2? :crackup: I have 3 of them. I think both of them work just fine. I think you can push...
  5. Rafa

    I need a favor, please!

    Hey! Today is the special pricing for Apple things. Today the $ is .75€ while normally is about .78 or so. What this means? I can get an iPod touch for about 170€ (with good shipping and things, you know). But the problem is that obviously the US Apple store does not ship to other that the...
  6. Rafa

    Great host found! Richuang RC-7001 (DX $3)

    DealExtreme: $2.90 Richuang RC-7001 30-Lumen LED Flashlight with Clip (1*AAA) That one! I bought it some time ago and it was collecting dust somewhere lost in my room. I found it today, and I had a spare 16X to put on it so... there is it! I found that it is a great host even though it was...
  7. Rafa

    People who sell free software.

    2010 Open Office COMPATIBLE with MS EXCEL, ACCESS,WORD en venta en eBay.es (finaliza el 13-nov-10 10:57:54 H.Esp) Big facepalm
  8. Rafa

    Help me find a thread.

    Hi all I'm looking for a thread where it was explained how you can measure the wavelength of a laser by shining it between two razor blades and measuring the distancen between each point the interference generates. Any idea where is it? I have already used the search. Thankss
  9. Rafa

    520nm Diode laser... Info?

    I read somewhere some time ago that some people are researching and that they made a 520nm diode laser, but I don't know anything more. Any info? Thanks!
  10. Rafa

    Phil anselmo live answers some fans questions, right now.

    OfficialPantera, Ustream.TV: . Hope the heavyer laserists like this.
  11. Rafa

    [DIY] Driver for 635nm diodes, 200mA~ Cheap! And my PCB making tutorial, Easy!

    Hey guys! Today I was bored, and I decided to design some CHEAP driver for low powered diodes. It is suposed to run in one Li-Ion battery, and it works ONLY for 635-780nm diodes. This means, 635 diodes, Senkat diodes, LOC diodes and CD Burner diodes. I can give up to 700mA but if you pass 200mA...
  12. Rafa

    JetLasers, good company?

    I don't like when stores do not put the price visible, or they directly do not put it somewhere, do you know where are the prices of the laser googles? Are they good? Shipping, Etc etc...
  13. Rafa

    PHR-803t in ultra-small host.

    Here is the fisrt laser of my signature. -CaBvr_cAKE BTW "cake" in the URL :crackup: YouTube - PHR-803t 100mW 405nm Diode Laser.
  14. Rafa

    Greenie current.

    Well the button of my cheap green laser (look at my sig) just died so I extracted the module and now I bypassed the switch. I want to know hoy much current should I put into the 808nm diode, because I want to make my own decent driver for it. The laser was 10mW but I think its putting out about...
  15. Rafa

    Some random high exposure photos.

  16. Rafa

    F**k my cat

    It pissed over my guitar..... ...... ... I will shoot she if it pisses again where it should not.
  17. Rafa

    Any Li-Ion battery thas has a size similar to...

    Those kind of battery holders? thanks.
  18. Rafa

    About A140/A130 laser projectors.

    Do they only have 445nm diodes? How do they generate green and red colors?
  19. Rafa

    This is THE JOKE.

    V0b7YKKo7e8 :crackup::crackup:
  20. Rafa

    635nm Diode question.

    Hi, I bough a 635nm diode from one LPF user, and he is not online now, and i want to make it work today. The only thing I know is that it works at ~50mA, but I dont know the pinout, and that is what I want to ask, is the pinout the same as 650nm diodes? Thanks in advance.
