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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. J

    buck driver wanted

    Hey guys I'm looking for a budget buck driver thet can power my pt-54 led one at 8-12amp if there is one out there I can build I'll give it a try ? Or buy a completed driver any help would be great thanks
  2. J

    pen Tutorial

    where can i find the Tutorial on how to build a pen laser made by (RUBERBAND) or ???
  3. J


    where can i get a few thing anodized ? any forum members ?? if so pm me on a price to do a maglite flashlight
  4. J


    im looking for a cheap host/W heatink to power a rkcstr driver if u might have one please pm me
  5. J

    WTB: Dorcy Jr inside parts

    hi guys im looking for parts that is inside of a dorcy jr host.....or if u have some cheap one's u like to sell please let me no thanks.
  6. J


    im looking for 2 DDL drivers with medium wires for a pot to adjust the current.
  7. J

    FS: new fog machines

    will post more info but im asking 19.00 shipped in the us brand new though in box
  8. J

    Help with cad file

    i have few pictures of a project im wanting to make and i need it in a cad file would anyone be will to do this for me and ill pay if its reasonable >? if so shoot me a PM
  9. J


    does anyone no how to mold things using urethane rubber.... and where can i buy this stuff at if u can pm me with any info that would be great thanks guys :)
  10. J

    FS:dorcy jr host $10.00

    dorcy jr host -driver 10.00 +3 for shipping
  11. J

    anyone want to make !!!!

    would anyone willing to make me a driver that can go up to 2800mA and use the lowest voltage as u can ?
  12. J

    WTH: lathe worker

    i want to have few mods done and looking for someone who noes what they are doing with a lathe pm me if u are the person that im looking for thanks
  13. J

    WTB:AMC7135 1400mA Regulated Circuit

    title says it all :)
  14. J

    FS: Coleman Max host

    i have 5-6 Coleman Max host with heatsinks that i bough off a forum member im asking 23.00 shipped in the usa first comes gets them :)
