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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. scopeguy20

    All my great laser stuff is for sale!

    Many Thanks! Your response has been heart warming! Sales still ongoing as I have to get the Dec. mortgage $ too! so, I will need to sell any and all the lasers and hosts I have ASAP! Prices are shipped in USA, (shipping to other countries by quote). I have: 1 still ava. WL Core Laser...
  2. scopeguy20

    DTR & rhd great works as always!

    Well, I am remiss in that both rhd and DTR have time and again, built me such awesome lasers! :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: I have a "small ribbed host" laser from rhd that I treasure as it is small and jewelry-like and has plenty of punch to ignite flash paper or show a night time beam...
  3. scopeguy20

    Foulmist a good builder!

    I had a special pulsed circuit design done and 2 made, and then sent the circuits back and sent some parts to help build 2 red lasers, Foulmist did a great job and did it in good time. So, we are real happy with this project he made happen. These are for therapy, and can pulse at about 528 Hz...
  4. scopeguy20

    1/2 OZ GOLD Coin anyone?

    Hey my friends, I have too many bills atm, :o So, I guess I'll probably liquidate the gold coin I just bought 2 weeks ago :whistle: It is just over $860 in gold alone, but is such a beautiful coin... hate to see it go but when we must, we must! Of course insured shipping is a must! below a...
  5. scopeguy20

    New scopeguy20 BDR-S06J GB!

    I am taking reservations for the 25 BDR-S06J, HERE is a link to the thread w/ the reservations these(12X BR), sleds I have coming... so far there are about 4 yet to be claimed... I'll try to up the order to 40... the cost will be $45 shipped in USA, a bit more to out of country, let me know...
  6. scopeguy20

    New scopeguy20 BDR-S06J GB!

    I just got word, 7 I can get 25 of these 12X BR containing sleds! These were $55 from another dealer, but in the GB it is $45 shipped in USA w/ tracking, (most international are about $2 more), Please reserve them below and I'll get them to you in est. 2 weeks or less, (remember it is a GB but...
  7. scopeguy20

    Great case for lasers

    Saw this and thought Some LPF folks would want to use as a laser case! Look at the yellow unit, seems to have a O-ring to seal out water... Invicta Watch Collection case
  8. scopeguy20

    CO2 tube wanted

    I have a pal who has the rest of the CO2 laser and needs a new working tube... I hope to get one for about $200 or so... Please let me know what you have to sell? T/Y! -Glenn
  9. scopeguy20

    New 12X Laser Sled GB (BDR-S06J) $45 in USA!

    ANOTHER FAST SLED GB! 1/10/12 Just ordered are 25X BDR-S06J sleds I also still have LPC-825 diodes, $12 ea. , w/ long leads never mounted! BDR-S06J shipped in USA $45 second sled is $43 for international, ask w/ PM and country, usually about $2 extra... New round Reserved: T_Warne 1...
  10. scopeguy20

    Pulsed drives wanted

    I know you sharp folks are indeed a great sort of "think tank" if you will... I need to make some new red lasers for medical tests and we would like to make a low level pulsed red laser to test for medical research. Ideally it would be best if we could pulse the laser at 1Hz to 5KHz but any...
  11. scopeguy20

    New Ray-Gun Host?

    Got one you like? Anyone want to mod this one: LINK
  12. scopeguy20

    FlightLevel350, A great guy to deal with!

    I have sold several sleds to this member and always a fine transaction, more recently he offered a green laser in an Eghemus host at a very reasonable cost, and I thought it w/b something I would want, and after a bit of discussion, he said he would trade for a BDR-S06J sled. He sent it right...
  13. scopeguy20

    Fast Sled GB

    FAST? Yes, last time they were in your hands in just about 2-3 weeks after payment, so as almost all the sleds are gone now, I thought I would get another small bunch... I am open to other sleds if they can be ordered, but so far I could use LPC815 and BDR-S06J sleds... I believe I can get...
  14. scopeguy20

    ORDERING NOW! Wicked Lasers Core laser GB $28 ea.

    These are still available, but if you didn't reserve, I will be adding a few $ as, it turns out, the Green E2's were about $15 higher than the Red or Violet E2's, and besides now I have funded the order and tied up my own $ so, it's still a savings but the prices will bump up a bit! It's still a...
  15. scopeguy20

    A Few Good Sleds...

    Hey Friends, I am buying atm about 20 BDR-S06J for $50 ea. sleds as well as some SF-AW210 $18 ea., AND LPC815 $5 ea. Shipping about $4 a package, (international a bit more), PP fees additional, I'll get as many LPC815 and SF-AW210 sleds as we need. Thanks! & I'll reserve them for members who...
  16. scopeguy20

    CNI GB #12 (Fast as we can do it!)

    :) Hey Friends, I am doing another round for all those who want CNI lasers! Thanks on all the earlier GB's I will try to get this one going as fast as possible! RED PGL III - 655 nm 500 mW $445 LINK RED PGL III -C- 671nm 150mW $405 New CNI Focusable Green lasers: PGL-III-532F-100mW/Unit...
  17. scopeguy20

    ONE TIME Chance! to join the Class IV club in green

    Hey Folks! Here's a great GB opportunity with no waiting! I have a really nice brand new just came in PGL III -C- 532nm 400 mW rated unit, runs very much like RA_Pierce unit he reviewed! It will sell to the first person who reserves it and can pay by Friday it is $695 and ships...
  18. scopeguy20

    NOW 447nm CNI lasers & GB #11

    Hello friends, CNI is now offering the PGL III -C- 447nm laser to a GB of at least 10 447nm units. Although the diode is said to be able to do 1Watt, I believe the laser is very powerful and has a beautiful beam at 400 to 500mW and is then a Class IV portable laser. It is possible that you may...
  19. scopeguy20

    Great deal on Astro-binoculars!

    Edmund Scientific's Father's Day is June 20th - 10% discount and free shipping offer! btw, I don't always recommend this company for low price, but the Celestron 15X 70 binoculars are a great deal IMHO, so I just wanted to share! -Glenn Link Below LINK
  20. scopeguy20

    GB 445nm diodes For Sale $45

    Picture of my 500mW 445 laser at night. Hey friends, I was asked if I would offer GB 445nm diodes to the forum, and as much as I like both you and the diodes, I decided I would do it. These will be harvested with the best ESD procedures. & so far I will take orders at $45 ea. + Shipping and PP...
