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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. nmbusa

    Shuji Nakamura father of the blue led

    fascinating view of the origin of the complex blue led and how it gave us the 7W+ NUBM44
  2. nmbusa

    Super X-Drive(SXD-V3) repair

    Hi ya fellas For anyone like me mistakenly feeding reverse polarity to their x-drive and frying main ic. If you have a hot air rework station give it a go. set pot at around 1.4 KOhms outputing a nice 4.7Amps just have to dig up a 2k and 4.7k res to parallel worked for me like a charm. cheers
  3. nmbusa

    nubm44 handheld builds 4sale

    Hi ya all selling 3 of my recent 44 ~7W builds here any questions just ask c8 $150+shipping c6 $140+shipping cheers
  4. nmbusa

    1st nubm44 build of 7

    hello to ya all,after many years away from the laser hobby playing around with zvs drivers(induction heating and HV) and flashlight builds thought I go at it again. A friend gave me his box that plays pictures on walls and I took it apart for its 7 nubm44 just finished my 1st build of 7. and a...
  5. nmbusa

    another high power dummy-load

    Hi thought I make a comeback after a couple of years absence from lasers from the time tearing down cdr/dvdr to extract diodes. made a high power dummy-load for NUBM44 handheld project used mur1560 15A diodes I had lying around and 2 Caddock Surface Mount Power resistors 0.2ohm 25W in parallel...
  6. nmbusa

    6X GGW-H20L at 300ma

    hi there just finished the day with another blu,made my rkcstr driver and dialed at 300ma anyone know the output in mw as I dont have laser meter yet.
  7. nmbusa

    newbie laser stash

    Hi there. since I just startered with lasers and very fascinated,after doing my homework on the site so to not ask questions and all, since the search button has all answers thought I show my latests projects. what do ya think of my stash?
  8. nmbusa

    2AA maglite with driver

    Hi there. just finished my maglite with a amc7135 350ma  driver.
