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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. kristopher

    Solar Death Ray

    Did you guys see this? http://inhabitat.com/19-year-old-teenager-makes-homemade-solar-death-ray/ I find the footnote at the end of the article hilarious!
  2. kristopher

    Lightstar HD-6100

    I was looking through our lab and found what looks to be a really nice diode driver/TEC controller. I don't have a manual for it, though. Looking online I found that the company was bought-out in '97, and the company that bought them doesn't have any documents on them. I'm hoping that...
  3. kristopher

    Sharp Laser Assembly

    Don't know exactly what this is, but it has a lot of optics/motors that might be useful to someone here, and you can not beat the price: SHARP LASER ASSEMBLY - Surplus Shed Kristopher
  4. kristopher

    WTB 405 pigtales

    Hey all, I would like to buy some 405nm modules. Modules to me have a Aizix housing, diode and driver. I don't really care about how many mW, as long as it is stable. Pigtale leads would be ideal. I purchased a few back from Blueray before everything happened to him. I've also purchased...
  5. kristopher

    Liconix CdHe laser - help wanted

    Anybody have any experience with these lasers?  If you go to here: http://stores.ebay.com/computerjunker21 and search for liconix it will come up with a head and power supply.  I have one in the lab I am working with but it hasn't been used in 3 years.  So, it tries to start by arcing a plasma...
  6. kristopher

    Laser Hosts cheap

    If anyone is looking for cheap hosts, there seems to be some pretty good deals here.  Post if you find one to your liking.  I've had good luck with the merchant. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/section/sl.aspx?s=6675&ipp=48&gif=Y 144 Kodak AAA(or AA) batteries, $20 2 pack flashlights $10 etc...
  7. kristopher

    24 Rechargeable NIMH AAs with charger - $20

    Noticed this on Slickdeals, thought I'd post it here as well. Don't know if they have AAAs or other sizes on sale... (directly from slickdeals. Link for batteries: http://slickdeals.net/?pno=15725&lno=1&afsrc=1) All-Battery.com has 24 NIMH Rechargeable Batteries (2300mAh AA's) w/ Travel...
  8. kristopher

    PS3 diode?

    Anybody see this? Pretty cheap if it goes for $10! http://cgi.ebay.com/5mW-Violet-laser-diode-pointer-not-dpss_W0QQitemZ120336461013QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item120336461013&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A15%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  9. kristopher

    HeNe tube helps

    Hey all, I was just given two HeNe lasers.  They are off brand and have rated max power of 30mW and 20mW.  Using a molectron PM,  they only put out about ~4mW each.  They have the original power supplies and the keys/lights/etc needed. My question is how much work is it (or is it even...
  10. kristopher

    Hello from Ohio

    Hi all.  Since I am new here, I thought I'd post a little about myself. I work as a researcher at a university doing solar cell research.  We use lots of lasers, and just recently wanted to add one as a thickness monitor. So, I was looking for a good blue laser diode.  Thor labs and digikey...
