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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. L

    Sanwu 7w 445 single mode and multi mode comparison tests?

    Hello guys, apologies hope this hasn't been covered elsewhere just spent an hour searching for similar posts. I found the Sanwu Striker 7w 445 nm reviews and meter tests showing 7.5watt actual outpit, very cool. Now I rescently ordered the single mode but they got back to me that one multimode...
  2. L

    help with a host

    I've been warned not to reply to old posts but did you fix this problem? A quick search online or in your local yellow pages should provide you with a machine shop to replicate the parts. With stripped threads of a laser host diameter you probably can't use a rethreading option but have to have...
  3. L

    Legality of laser for self-defense/deterrent?

    Is this topic not still relevent? Sorry to offend anyone...
  4. L

    Laser self defense?

    Do not use them for self defense. Pointing out objects in the sky like with a telescope is also dangerous( ie cops called by local airport which happened to me). The cops showed up at our astronomy club because a pilot in a commercial plane saw us pointing a laser up. Like everything these days...
  5. L

    Laser self defense?

    In NY state you would 100% be charged and sued if you used a laser in self defense. Intruders in your home also have right of way. Before force can be used your lawyer must prove the intruder was armed and there was no way for you to escape and even then you will undoubtedly be charged with...
  6. L

    Legality of laser for self-defense/deterrent?

    Check local and state laws, I'm in ny for example where even in your house if an intruder comes in you must prove that one, they were armed, two you had no way to escape(ie back door or window) and even then you can get charged with manslaughter which is ridiculous. A scenario I hope never...
  7. L

    Sanwu shipments delayed due to politics.

    Oh I'll gladly wait...I'm just worried about not getting the laser at all...politics and all...thanks for the reply though!
  8. L

    He Ne i built in 7th grade. Still proud of it but diodes are just amazing.

    Hiya everyone. Way back in the early 90s I built a .5mw He Ne red laser in 7th grade. I ordered the tube (which cost 500usd and took me forever to save up for while working on a farm). The plans I had ordered from edmund scientific (used to be one bad ass catalogue) and then all the transistors...
  9. L

    Sanwu shipments delayed due to politics.

    Hiya guys I'm new here. I ordered a much sought after 7w 445 nm striker from sanwu lasers. That was on 8.14.19. I received an email after asking about the shipment two days ago, it is 8.27.19. They kindly replied that due to the political turmoil and protests in Hong Kong they had to suspend all...
