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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. ZRaffleticket

    Sharp 395nm GH0393AA2G

    I haven't measured it but it should be right around 500-550mA; I used a micro flexdrive with all the resistors soldered and moved it a hair past the lowest setting on the pot.
  2. ZRaffleticket

    Sharp 395nm GH0393AA2G

    Hi everyone, I bought myself a few of these just to have them in the collection. Unfortunately these are exceptionally un-interesting, unlike most other new wavelengths. Just sharing/compiling some info for those who have seen them floating around. First off, they are multimode: And second...
  3. ZRaffleticket

    559nm Build in Vintage Flashlight

    Also double post for any wondering how I do color correction. I use paint.NET and the Kill Color Keeper plugin. This is a lot easier than messing with color graphs, hue, etc. Open the picture and tool. You may need to adjust the color and sliders depending on the picture: Then create a layer...
  4. ZRaffleticket

    559nm Build in Vintage Flashlight

    Hi again, looks like I was late to the party on the 559nm lasence posts. I've had this for a while now and finally got around to getting decent pictures. I've had the host even longer... failed experiment between Rich (Lifetime17) and I with the OPT modules. I've always wanted to use this one...
  5. ZRaffleticket

    I don't think there were ever any case - diodes from sharp, only ones that didn't interact with...

    I don't think there were ever any case - diodes from sharp, only ones that didn't interact with the case at all. If you don't push the diode extremely hard, just wrap some thin scotch tape around the 12mm module and make sure the set screw doesn't tear it. The sharp diodes can handle a good bit...
  6. ZRaffleticket

    Official Discord of LPF

    Agreed with the points above. Did lpf finally get too expensive to bother running? If so I'll hand it to Avery for finding such a theatrical self destruct button.
  7. ZRaffleticket

    580nm dpss laser?

    These DPSS modules seem to be tunable to some degree, 577-580nm does not seem impossible as I have one in the 575-576nm range. I believe someone stated in the past these crystals glow green below threshold or misaligned... thought it was you but maybe zenodilodon. Likely the blue-green is...
  8. ZRaffleticket

    Official Discord of LPF

    How is Avery ok with the NSFW channel and the abhorrent videos in there? What purpose does that serve LPF or its members? No thanks, I'm thoroughly disgusted.
  9. ZRaffleticket

    Lasence: Yellow laser modules just got cheaper

    Looks like they have a few 558-559nm 15-50mW CW modules in stock now. I just ordered 5, will only keep 1 or 2. Will update once I receive them. Edit: all modules spoken for.
  10. ZRaffleticket

    custom yellow laser 303

    I do not own one, not sure. I would bet on 808nm but I'm waiting for a restock on the CW modules.
  11. ZRaffleticket

    custom yellow laser 303

    FYI I'm almost certain that OPT and Lasence use different processes that achieve a similar result. OPT heads are 940nm pumped but Lasence heads are 808nm pumped. Edit: Spectro graphs Lasence 545: OPT 570:
  12. ZRaffleticket

    Lasence: Yellow laser modules just got cheaper

    Ah yeah. Gotcha. I'm waiting for the 20mW CW modules for a few reasons. I already have a host ready for that size, I am not a fan of pulsed lasers, plus with just a short wait I can squeeze a few extra mW out.
  13. ZRaffleticket

    Lasence: Yellow laser modules just got cheaper

    Are they the pulsed modules? I talked with them last night and I was told none of the CW ones were available.
  14. ZRaffleticket

    Lasence: Yellow laser modules just got cheaper

    Sounds like they have 571nm available in their current batch, with 561nm hopefully being ready in the next couple weeks. I already have a few OPT 57Xnm's so I'm not so much interested in theirs.
  15. ZRaffleticket

    a New sharp violet diode

    Interesting find. Looks like they have a couple other interesting diodes added to their lineup. Might be going in the UV direction now. GH04C05W9G (5W 435nm) GH0393AA2G (350mW 395nm) GH0406AA2G (600mW 405nm) They have 2 pages, presumably one for display, other for everything...
  16. ZRaffleticket

    Searching: 475 / 480 nm Direct Diode

    Only a couple hundred of them were ever made. Due to rarity they're no longer cheap.
  17. ZRaffleticket

    Searching: 475 / 480 nm Direct Diode

    I think a member here may still have a few, @Phillip
  18. ZRaffleticket

    Building a orange (613nm) Laser from scratch with off-the-shelf parts (and for cheap!)

    Personally I think it would be more accurate to say 613nm has more red in it than 607nm having more yellow in it. Semantics. Pictures are difficult to give it justice, on my monitor your 622nm example is closest in color to my 607nm. They did that because they are different diodes. Structure is...
  19. ZRaffleticket

    Building a orange (613nm) Laser from scratch with off-the-shelf parts (and for cheap!)

    May be worth looking into 622nm diodes. They need to run on a tec by default basically, though not sure how much they cost. Could be an option to give some tolerance on thermals. 607nm is pure orange, though I'd also expect 613nm to be just a different shade of orange. I wouldn't expect it to...
  20. ZRaffleticket

    Driver for 488 Diode

    I had the same concerns at first but tried anyway, those work fine.
