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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. hoo7h

    WTB: Series battery holder fits Big Boy host

    Hey Anyone have or can make a series battery holder that fits the big boy host.
  2. hoo7h


  3. hoo7h


    Well I mean if its not focusable it wont burn from a distance right ?, not that I am buying it for burning lol but who doesnt love to have his laser very focused.
  4. hoo7h


    Sorry to jump on the thread but i have a small question, since the green lasers of CNI are not focusable, does that mean they will have a high divergence and a wider beam ?
  5. hoo7h

    FS 400mW 532nm, 120mW 532nm Pen, 140mW 635nm Pen

    lol silly me. Congratz to the buyer :), what a good deal you got
  6. hoo7h

    FS: 17mm (16.75mm) Contact Boards $1ea

    I'mma taking 5 of them, shipping will be to NJ
  7. hoo7h


    Re: Osram diodes 520/450 GB In for 1 Osram 520 For the record the shipping will be to the US :)
  8. hoo7h


    I might be in for a PGL-III-C-532-500mW, what is the final price ?
  9. hoo7h

    Safety glasses from dragonlasers.com

    I tried the eagle pair and the cheap shit, believe me, you wont enjoy your laser unless if you have a certificated goggles. No headaches after using, you feel safe while burning, and it looks cool.
  10. hoo7h

    FS: $99 445nm 1Watt C6's

    drink is included ?
  11. hoo7h

    rayfoss VS lazerer !! HELP

    Will talking about me, I would buy from lazerer, as they have better looking lasers and they have somehow a "good" reputation.
  12. hoo7h

    The MagicSticks Custom Hosts - PICS & INFO

    +Rep Hi bro Happy to see such a good work being done by our neighbors :) How much is it to ship to Saudi Arabia and how long does it take ? Thanks
  13. hoo7h

    My dot is surrounded by other very small dot and light, is that normal ?

    Is there anything I can do to my dirty window ? and does its effect the power by how much ? I am using the one DTR's sells But its deep enough, because it get very focused then less focused when I get near the diode.
  14. hoo7h

    My dot is surrounded by other very small dot and light, is that normal ?

    I know thats what I did, I even turned around many time to make sure Is my raw output normal ?
  15. hoo7h

    My dot is surrounded by other very small dot and light, is that normal ?

    Pics added Raw http://i.imgur.com/8hBG9.jpg Not fully focused http://i.imgur.com/aA5Uo.jpg Best focus I could get http://i.imgur.com/cMeAD.jpg This the smallest I could get, and it surrounded by unfocused light.
  16. hoo7h

    My dot is surrounded by other very small dot and light, is that normal ?

    9mm diode, 9mm stick lens I will try to post a pic soon but I don't have access to my camera my or my laser right now
  17. hoo7h

    My dot is surrounded by other very small dot and light, is that normal ?

    Hi My dot is surrounded by other very small dot and light The raw output looks normal but it has a few black holes in it and has like () around it Edit: 9mm diode, 9mm stick lens Edit: Pics added Raw http://i.imgur.com/8hBG9.jpg Not fully focused http://i.imgur.com/aA5Uo.jpg Best focus I...
  18. hoo7h

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  19. hoo7h

    400mw Green daytime beam visibility

    An actual pic would be very nice if someone has a 400mw green
