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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Gazoo

    Rechargable Red OC Build w/HiPower Lens

    Re: Rechargable Red Build Except the module has to be electrically isolated if using the 7135... :P
  2. Gazoo

    Will it fit? (question not a game show)

    Hello Rog...please note this only applies to the 9 volt lithium transistor radio battery. I am not sure how this would apply to a regular alkaline or nimh battery...but as we have learned running anything with over 100ma's with those batteries really doesn't work well. A much better solution...
  3. Gazoo

    Will it fit? (question not a game show)

    If you are referring to the transistor radio type 9 volt, it wouldn't be a good idea because they have a max discharge rating of 120ma's. Anything above that and the battery will probably shut down. But then again I am not sure this is what you are referring to.
  4. Gazoo

    803T $8.00 Usa only GB

    Enough proof no one will buy form you...if you post like this no doubt you will treat your customers the same. Besides, you were banned and came back with a different user name. Did Avery give you permission to come back?
  5. Gazoo

    Getting a bit worried.. (NOVA Shipping)

    Great! Let us know how you like it...and don't forget the eneloops..lol
  6. Gazoo

    FS: Aixiz LD Table Top Clam Shell Heatsinks

    Hmmmmm....great possibilities for use with a TEC. I like it.. :)
  7. Gazoo

    Getting a bit worried.. (NOVA Shipping)

    Same here...lol. And mine is still working as good as when I bought it in Sept. of 2007. I can't remember who delivered it...
  8. Gazoo

    Driver I made is doing something odd...

    All the diode does is provide polarity protection...it has no effect on the circuit.
  9. Gazoo

    Laser for airsoft

    Good post...I was going to step in here and point out that anything above 5 mw can be dangerous to one's vision but you beat me to it. I am really amazed by some of the posts I read claiming otherwise. People, you need to be careful. I can't really comment on whether a green or red would be...
  10. Gazoo

    LI-ION protected or unprotected?

    The problem is not whether or not the batteries are protected. It is with the charging current and I think that's what you mean. I have been thinking about this and really the cheapest solution is to have a charger dedicated to the 10440 cells, and another charger that will charge everything...
  11. Gazoo

    Lava Micro FlexDrive Driver (lavadrive2) fits pens

    Re: Lava Micro FlexDrive Driver (lavadrive2) fits Dear DrLava, Please get your flexdrives back in stock as soon as possible... ;D -Gazoo
  12. Gazoo

    Confused on laser output

    I was just getting ready comment on that...lol. Remember when we were comparing lenses? We were getting a 40 to 50mw increase with the meredith glass lens compared to the acrylic lenses. But the plastic lenses you posted the link to do look good.... and the price seems reasonable.
  13. Gazoo

    Confused on laser output

    Any glass lens with an AR coating will give you an increase in power. It will not be that noticeable unless you have a meter to measure with so you can take the readings and measure the differences. Is a glass lens still worth worth it? Yes.
  14. Gazoo

    LI-ION protected or unprotected?

    Running these in series will be fine. However when it comes to lion batteries don't skimp if possible.. ;D I have bought my batteries from AW over on CPF. Sure they cost more, but they are well protected and of much higher quality. http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?t=187951
  15. Gazoo

    LI-ION protected or unprotected?

    Low voltage can damage a cell and it can vent while charging. So low voltage is a concern.
  16. Gazoo

    battery choices for green laser moules?

    The voltage on the data sheets go up to 4.2 volts. So I would think the best solution would be a single lion battery. Alternatively 3 nimh batteries would work well also and I highly recommend eneloops. Alkaline batteries sag quickly.
  17. Gazoo

    help with diode contacts

    Take a look at this thread: http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1189135730
  18. Gazoo

    I need info on homemade burning lasers... can anyo

    Re: I need info on homemade burning lasers... can The battery is fine but those small 9volt batteries will sag quickly and not last long. The current going to the diode will remain the same as long as the voltage is high enough so that the regulator doesn't drop out. So the current will...
  19. Gazoo

    I need info on homemade burning lasers... can anyo

    Re: I need info on homemade burning lasers... can You said and I quote "I have 1 35v 47uf capacitor on the driver," The question was did you short out the cap BEFORE you connected the diode. If not the cap would have at least 6 volts in it and it may have fried your diode. Normally, not...
  20. Gazoo

    Confused on laser output

    The problem with the LM317 is that it can have a voltage drop as high as 2.5 volts. It is a very good and stable regulator, and great to start with...easily available too. In fact I still am using mine...lol. But there are LDO (Low Drop Out) regulators that have drop out voltage ratings in the...
