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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Prototype

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    Is it part of a gearbox for something? Edit: Whaaaaaaaaaat. Like four posts showed up right after I posted. So uh...roller for some type of weird dough thing? Edit2: Damn it! Didn't read anselm's post. I give up on this one. :yabbmad:
  2. Prototype

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    Should have never second guessed myself, Krypton was my first choice! Someone else can take my spot.
  3. Prototype

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    An Argon/Krypton mix?
  4. Prototype

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    I believe that's oxygen?
  5. Prototype

    BDXL Writer (405nm 12x) Murder Fund

    What equipment are you going to use to test the diode, and how?
  6. Prototype

    Laser Rap Part III: Say Yeah! [HEAR IT NOW!!!]

    Very good work once again. I've had a few lines from Part 1 stuck in my head all day, was walking around muttering "Diodes yes/8x the best/It does over half a watt unlike all of the rest", darn you!
  7. Prototype

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    Is it something used to detect if light is being emitted from something?
  8. Prototype

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    A giant flip-flop made from pots and pot lids? I was kind of hoping it was a pots and pans dragon until I saw the other side curved up too :(
  9. Prototype

    1.6W DHOM Greenie

    For a green to appear double the brightness you'd need around four times the power. So while 1600mW is close, you'd need a good 2W+ for it to be twice as bright as your 500mW. I'd definitely look into the best dichros you can afford (or can't, a little debt for a lot of beam is worth it...
  10. Prototype


    Haha, hotlinking fail. :crackup:
  11. Prototype

    >1W 445 and TANK 007 for sale! BOTTOM OF THE LINE PRICES

    Well the prices are lower. So wouldn't they have achieved said effect and therefore no longer be needed? :thinking:
  12. Prototype

    [Buy] 125mW or above (Green or Blue)

    Well if you hit yourself in the eye with a non-IR filtered laser and your goggles don't block IR you can possibly receive eye damage from the IR. It's not really necessary but I prefer to err on the side of caution.
  13. Prototype

    CNI PGL-III 400mW is now 200mW...

    If the Nd:YVO4* had cracked it wouldn't be lasing at all, just so you know. *In a portable like this, they're going to use an Nd:YVO4 + KTP crystal set.
  14. Prototype

    [Buy] 125mW or above (Green or Blue)

    I really wouldn't recommend a 1W laser as a first laser. I'd go for the 200mW transformable from O-Like, it is a good laser with several positive reviews. Keep in mind that this is not an IR filtered laser, so I'd order one from Radiant Electronics and attach it to be safe. 200mW transformable...
  15. Prototype

    **SOLD** 550mW 405nm 12x blu-ray!! **Built by Igor and Dave**

    Re: FS: 550mW 405nm 12x blu-ray!! **Built by Igor and Dave** What are you expecting to get for this lovely laser?
  16. Prototype

    **SOLD** 550mW 405nm 12x blu-ray!! **Built by Igor and Dave**

    Re: FS: 550mW 405nm 12x blu-ray!! **Built by Igor and Dave** These use 1x 14500.
  17. Prototype

    CNI PGL-III 400mW is now 200mW...

    Really sorry to hear your laser has gone sour. Kind of an offtopic and random question, but does anyone know the size of the KTP CNI uses in these things? Edit: And aryntha, if CNI says no to warranty repair, I say you take a hand at repairing it yourself. It's almost assuredly just the pump...
  18. Prototype

    **SOLD** 550mW 405nm 12x blu-ray!! **Built by Igor and Dave**

    Re: FS: 550mW 405nm 12x blu-ray!! **Built by Igor and Dave** Igor's work is without a doubt some of the best the handheld laser community has ever seen. I truly wish I had the money to nab this off of you, as it's a piece of history, not many are around now that were around when Igor built...
  19. Prototype

    FS: O-like 400mW green laser *SOLD* $250

    Re: FS: O-like 400mW green laser *OVERSPEC* $250 First the Viasho and now this? You just love you some big greens don't you? :p
  20. Prototype

    What is a 2mW Green HeNe tube worth?

    Re: What is a 2mW HeNe tube worth? Go for it. Edit:^@Helios
