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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. barthchris

    Solar Pumped Laser

    Ive heard Mars atmosphere has the conditions prime for a natural laser. This was MANY years ago though.
  2. barthchris

    Sharp GH04W10A2GC 350mW 405nm

    Now that Ive totally derailed this thread..... Sorry fellas!! You were right Paul it was an ACS500SE (assume SE is SEPIC) driver not the buck driver. Yes, attention to rapid heat removal is essential. Im anal about diodes being pressed in straight and level with as much package contact as...
  3. barthchris

    Sharp GH04W10A2GC 350mW 405nm

    Same just happened to me yesterday after last post. Lol!!. Maybe a few min of short duty cycles. Was kinda bummed I saw such little light but just for $hit$ & giggles I connected diode to my PS and voila, it was fine!! Brand new ACS5000 set to 900mAh., used 1 really good lion cell(yes...
  4. barthchris

    Sharp GH04W10A2GC 350mW 405nm

    What do you think makes the diode emit in single mode with the amount of power were "pumping" it with. Semiconductor shape? Placement of bond wires. Heat dissipation, quality of semiconductor? All of the above? Its (BDR) is definitely a standout in SM diodes. SOJs tended to blink out on me...
  5. barthchris

    Sharp GH04W10A2GC 350mW 405nm

    Ehh, this place had a special kind of nasty for a time. Ive been posting freely at RC groups, other electronics forums for years without issues. Here was different. A possible explanation could be idiots gaining unwanted attention to our hobby with wicked 1W POS and tolerance was low. Still...
  6. barthchris

    Sharp GH04W10A2GC 350mW 405nm

    Described me to the T. This so deserves its own thread but hell, here it is. My first real laser. 1993 $88 under the glass at radio shack. Was only 18 and HAD to have it. Still works!!! Takes two odd voltage batteries. I dont have it near me to confirm though. I will say this horror of...
  7. barthchris

    Sharp GH04W10A2GC 350mW 405nm

    Retired from lasers?? Lol!! Good to hear he's around. You never know.... He was a rock here during these forums rough and wild days. Who would have guessed a laser pointer forum would created so much drama??? Didn't think nerds like us were drama queens:confused:
  8. barthchris

    DTR's Laser Shop - Laser Diodes & More

    Question about the 22mm $12 AL heatsink you sell. its threaded in the back, any particular 18650 host that will fit those threads??
  9. barthchris

    NUB07 465nm. Gonna love this one fellas!

    Good to know! Are they sensitive to decanning degradation as 445nm are? Wonder if the slight tweak in dopants makes the difference. I know my 525nm diode is running much longer decanned than any 445nm diode has.
  10. barthchris

    UFO/ UAP Research and Laser Pointers Thread

    Religion is the biggest of them all! How many gods are people willing to die over??? I've seen this UFO laser stuff years ago. Bunch of BS IMO. I think their bugs attracted to the IR or whatever visible wavelength they use. Since its not an ionized conductive channel I dont believe its...
  11. barthchris

    NUB07 465nm. Gonna love this one fellas!

    Thanks for the thought Paul. Its a potentially high risk hobby and I screwed up. Great guy Jordan is but I feel uncomfortable asking for a discount for something he probably has low margins on anyway.
  12. barthchris

    NUB07 465nm. Gonna love this one fellas!

    Condolences for your loss! I love this place!!! Thanks Red! I tried it backwards, trying to save the gball lens for some reason. One slip! How about heating them? think that would break melt the indium solder? I assume its indium.
  13. barthchris

    NUB07 465nm. Gonna love this one fellas!

    So I waited in anticipation for my 465nm diode to arrive from DTR. Pressed it into a heatsink and used a PS to test. Divergence with Gball is absolutely unacceptable so I decided to remove the can the" proper way" with a vice and pliers. Anyway I did a real bone headed move and somehow...
  14. barthchris

    25mm heatsink?

    Love me some ryobi stuff!! Looking Iwould just use 1865os if youhave some good ones. Liposxwill do too
  15. barthchris

    NUBM31T 95W 455nm

    You sound like a parts hoarder like me. lol! Im bad!!! I'm sure you already know this but you can buy a TECs dirt cheap on Amazon or eBay. This is just the ceramic junction itself, no driver, heatsink and or fan. Years ago I bought a dozen just to play with, cost was like $30. They worked for...
  16. barthchris

    NUGM03 1W 525nm Laser Diode

    Extremely impressed with this diode. Started using the DTR 2 element lens vs an older(almost 10yr old) two element and wow is all I can say. Still experimenting with DIY beam expanders but may just order the sanwa BX just for ease of integration. Honestly though I'm probably just being anal...
  17. barthchris

    Video Projector Zoom/Focus Assembly as Beam Expander

    OK, It appears I was wrong, a lens IS needed before the projector lens assembly. Was able to do some "mid-field" testing this afternoon, about 500' was my line of sight limit. For a proper far-field test I need to get to a wide-open area preferably somewhere with a good flat target such as...
  18. barthchris

    Video Projector Zoom/Focus Assembly as Beam Expander

    Thank you! Yes, a decanned 525nm😨 so Im trying my best to keep it clean. Been there, done that lol! I was also worried that a focused output into the BE would damage the optical coating but maybe Im just crazy, IDK....
  19. barthchris

    Video Projector Zoom/Focus Assembly as Beam Expander

    Yes, but this is the lens after the messy liquid. Lol. Its rear projection not the ones that were projected onto a screen. Learned about the glycol that the hard way, I removed the pictured lens and noticed colored one beneath it. I kept removing screws since it looked like a big solid lens...
  20. barthchris

    Video Projector Zoom/Focus Assembly as Beam Expander

    Trying not to open a new thread as I want to stay on everyone's good side here. Im doing the same using a projector lens as a beam expander. Budget engineering and using what I have. Question is should I first use a 9mm barrel lens before sending it into the BE. I seem to get better...
