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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. A

    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    @Benm +rep - the calibration with resistor is what I've missed :-) Thanks ! As for the slow update - did you use the sensor I proposed ? Which thickness was your strip ? I have estimated that the commonly available Al foil has around 18μm thickness. I target low power lasers 80..1800mW. The...
  2. A

    27000 Hours

    Interesing. Too bad that there were no 405 nm diodes back then to compare. I have tied 3 white LEDs on my door and 2 of them lasted ~ 2 years, then died. The third is still running for 4th year. The current I run them is within the proposed by the manufacturer, no heat generated since they're...
  3. A

    Solid Brass 638nm - Code Name "Frankie" (Pic Heavy)!

    Wow ! What technology did you use to finish / polish it ? I enjoy looking at the end result, despite that I use LASERs only as/for tools.
  4. A

    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    I have proposed a "Poor man's powermeter" outline in: http://laserpointerforums.com/f67/looking-automate-generation-power-curve-graphs-data-logging-capture-device-98338.html#post1449466 The idea is to use a very thin oxidized aluminium foil to collect the heat of the beam (thermal collector)...
  5. A

    My violet 405nm 1W+

    Re: My violet 405nm 1000mA , diode JDSU405 Where did you buy ? How much cost ? How does it compare to S06J (I managed to buy one yesterday) ? I'm interested in point size at 15..20 cm distance. For now I'm collecting S06J and BDR209 unknowns like mad :crackup:. (if u lost a bid, that probably...
  6. A

    Death of another BDR-209

    I wrote about some possible death reasons here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f38/first-casualty-dead-bdr-209-diode-90121-2.html#post1448816 Probably instead of cooling it, you may want to combine the power of 2 diodes. I remember seeing a guy who did it by precisely tunning the beams to be...
  7. A

    Looking to automate generation of power curve graphs with data logging capture device

    The poor Guy's LASER powermeter outline Probably I should move this to the power meters topic. The LASER powermeters usually use the principle of conversion of light power to temperature. So what it should consist of is: - precision thermal sensors; - optional heating + cooling elements...
  8. A

    Need help with 1.6W driver

    I agree - with LM317T he's going to waste about 5W in heat; It turned out that the power source must have more than 8.4V. I'd better design something around the MC34063 switching regulator with an external power transistor, but I'm not sure he can make pcb and solder it. When the space is of...
  9. A

    Need help with 1.6W driver

    If given the schematic and part values, would you be able to create the PCB and solder it ? To maintain 1.2A / 4.8V, LM317 would need (I guess) voltage > 6.5V/1.2A. If 9V battery for you is 6F22 - forget it ! You'd need 18650 Li-Ion battery 7.4V pack.
  10. A

    Looking to automate generation of power curve graphs with data logging capture device

    It can be done. It could kill diodes in less than a second, leaving you w their I/V graphs and short memories :-). To control the current, there is a cheap ARM M3 Borad w 12-bit ADC (4096 points incl. 0) & 16 bit DAC; I can program it to set the current via the LASER Diode to certain value by...
  11. A

    Pioneer 16X BDR-209DBK

    @TheDukeAnumber1 (#134), @The Lightning Stalker (#16) Yes, it works in pulsed mode in the BDR writer. Let me use my B :thinking: to fill in the missing information in 2 steps: 1. What's already known: 1.1 BDR 209 is Japanese product; 1.2 In Japan, the famous 405nm diode technology developers...
  12. A

    First Casualty: dead BDR-209 diode

    I build my LD drivers myself. But it's true that they could kill the diode if the current is not stable or if there are pulsations. Also, when there are short strong pulses and long wires, the wires could act as coil and produce high back EMF which can kill the diode, because Vr is often <= 2V...
  13. A

    First Casualty: dead BDR-209 diode

    Are we/you sure that these "unknown" diodes are made to withstand so high currents ? I remember reading somewhere that Sony has invented the SLD3237VF diode for 12x writing speed. SLD3237VF is rated to 200mW CW / 400 mW pulsed current. To extrapolate: 12x <-> 200 mW ==> 16x <-> 280 mW...
