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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. A

    Let's talk about Mars.

    I find it interesting to talk about our dreadful future and the "shadow governments". Nowadays the capitalism is going to turn into something different, I'd say weird. First, I don't find it that glorious. I lived in Socialism for a while, and it didn't feel that glorious too. But it tried to...
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    UV laser diode <400nm

    @tomfire1735: No, you didn't understand me: 100 for $1000 For ALL :-) Oh, didn't know that Nichia value so high their diodes - when put in BDR206, they don't look so expensive. I think that even $500 for a single diode (knowing that this diode is not unique hand-crafted s**t but serial...
  3. A

    Night photo 700mw BDR S06J-12x-405nm Blu-Ray Laser Pointer

    "I'm interesting in how much you paid for the diode?" - It was not sth. I'm proud with - I won it at the half of the list price ~ 13USD so I hope the seller doesn't suffer a big loss. You know, it'd be not healthy the sources to disappear. It's in-transit. But from the other people's pix, I...
  4. A

    Night photo 700mw BDR S06J-12x-405nm Blu-Ray Laser Pointer

    Re: Night shot of my 700+ mw 405nm Blu-Ray Laser Pointer Well, I will share my method for focusing. It may or might not work for you. I calculate a resistor for the LD to operate slightly above it's threshold current (we're not going to burn the sensor). Then I solder a simple switch made of...
  5. A

    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    On Ebay, you can get 3-element coated lens for 405..465nm LASER at prices starting from $3.50 (to around $15). There are also uncoated acrylic lens, but I'm not sure how they perform at P>0.5W. Which lens would make smaller spot at 30cm (300mm=30cm). It might be the most expensive, but it might...
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    UV laser diode <400nm

    Did you try to get your diode from Nichia's portfolio here: Nichia LASER Diodes NDU4316 and NDU4116 look like they were made for you. Aren't they obtainable ? If they give you 100 for $1000, you might even sell some to cover your costs :-)
  7. A

    Pioneer 16X BDR-209DBK

    @barthchris You're right - we may run out of UV lasers when the Blue-Ray tech becomes retired. My today's Question & Answer: How can we tell if a diode is SLD3235 or SLD3237 ? Answer: by the differential efficiency. LPM is your friend. To be easy, I calculated it already: at 200 mA, SLD3235...
  8. A

    Techhood, anyone have experienced with them?

    @Shmackitup Wow, didn't know they can be that quick. I think he has also a woman so they both work in the store. To be fair, she replied to my last question. But it's for a lens-related topic. @RedCowboy You should ask him. I know only for S06J SLEDs: They take care not to touch them with...
  9. A

    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    No, direct visible light should not be a problem, the lens has IR filter. But If you want to measure something distant in the room, you'd need additional optics, because the field of view of the bare sensor is too wide and you'll get the average temperature which would not be the required...
  10. A

    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    Yes, I cared for the prices - it should be affordable. The foil should be somehow connected to the same radiator. Ideally, the foil'd hang in vacuum but since we search reproducible solution, I imagine it inside a pipe (the wind shield). I wonder whether the pipe should be thermo insulator...
  11. A

    Techhood, anyone have experienced with them?

    hello, I have bought several things from him. He must be pretty busy, because he is not leaving me feedback on the transactions wo being asked, also he doesn't comment on some questions. The items I received so far are SLD3237 5.6mm diode and a SLED of BDR209. The SLED looks ok, though it could...
  12. A

    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    Yes, I have what's needed. I work with ARM MCUs, M0 w USB would do the job. Or the famous "blue pill". If I remember, with I2C it can refresh with more than 100Hz. Here is the information: Datasheet @ attachment # 1 And here is where you can buy it: mlx90614esf-baa @ eBay
  13. A

    Solid Brass 638nm - Code Name "Frankie" (Pic Heavy)!

    LOL, you can't go wrong with "Mothers" unless somebody "invents" "Fathers", also shrouded in mystery and magic :-) Thank you for sharing the technology :-). I didn't know that 6000 grit paper does exist. To go further, I use simple printing paper, but it quickly becomes glossy and loses it's...
  14. A

    Can a TMP36 as a LPM Meter Sensor?

    On the heatsinking: The sensor I mentioned is differential - e.t. tie it's body to the heatsink and you're all set. (But we assume constant thermal resistance heatsink-ambient). Now, when the plot is already drawn, uh oh some volunteers with free time are needed :-) Nowadays I'm working on a...
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    Scratch on goggles

    I agree with the above (there's a typo... they block green and blue]). Moreover I've heard that there exist prototypes of goggles with several selective coatings - for the most common wavelengths of LASERs to protect the military pilots. But I have not heard about their prices. My $3 glasses...
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    Pioneer 16X BDR-209DBK

    @barthchris: I didn't say "yellow". My text is yellow wherever I want to focus the attention. The AlGaInN crystals are not yellow. Um if I manage to do it, I'll upload a foto of one. GaN is transparent and very rigid crystal, but the worst problem with it is that it tends to develop many...
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    Pioneer 16X BDR-209DBK

    @barthchris: What do you imply with 'the SOJ seemed to "LED" faster' - at equal current or at what current ? The BDRs are around $26 each, your wife must be very provident :-) I've recently got (well it's in transit) China-assembled Sony SLD3239VFR and I'll try to compare this with the hnk...
  18. A

    Scratch on goggles

    If the diode "burns" (melts) easily the goggles (as black plastic of the same kind), then they absorb well it's wavelength. I have $3 red goggles which i tested on a 405nm Sony SLD3235FV diode sold on ebay. I have accidentally pointed the diode into my eyes through the goggles. I saw it like...
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    Osram PL450 450nm 80mW power chart

    Interesting comparison of the lenses, but there are 3rd kind of lenses which you didn't test with: The 3-layer coated UV diode lens. They're known to produce less power than G2, but better spot when used in a machine.
  20. A

    A-140 vs. M-140 vs. H1600

    LOL, that's how the science is made ! Or probably the hacking :-) I mean how you preprocessed the QR code to get this: [A Series] 1: 3304808762 [M Series] 1: 3304940224 [H Series] 1: 3305273097 IMHO, this marking contains codes for year, month, series and production facility (if they have more...
