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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. C

    Diodes from 803T sleds $15

    Hey Glenn... you have any more of these?
  2. C

    PHR-803T done/tracking info on 1ST page  

    Re: PHR-803T feeler $11.50 I'm probably in for at least 2, up to 5. Let me know when you'd need payment.
  3. C

    Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run. Kryton Groove

    Re: Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run. Kryton Groov Aah sorry... completely forgot about that. Sent some your way. Thanks, dude.
  4. C

    Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run. Kryton Groove

    Re: Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run. Kryton Groov Did you ship mine yet? I neeeeed my kryton... :D
  5. C

    Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run. Kryton Groove

    Re: Laser Barrels V2. GB. Second run. Kryton Groov Ken -- if you happen to still be short on clears, I'd love a black one too. xP
  6. C

    my top ten tips for buying lasers

    No. ALL DPSS lasers within the visible spectrum require IR filters. Not just those 3 colors. I realize that pretty much nobody has access to other types of DPSS lasers... but at least check your info beforehand...
  7. C


    Might be in for an H20L. keep me posted.
  8. C

    Post your PC setup .

    Current: *Abit something-or-other Mobo *Intel C2D E7200 *EVGA 8800GS *320GB Western Digital HD *2GB Corsair XM2 DDR2 800 RAM *Assorted DVD/CD/Floppy drives *Razer keyboard & mouse I also have all my recording soft/hardware on there... MBox 2, Pro Tools 7, Reason, etc. Laptop is a Dell...
  9. C

    When will we see any Holiday Specials?

    http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1190360219 That's about it...
  10. C

    How much more mW does incense/fog add to a laser ?

    Re: How much more mW does incense/fog add to a las There's no real way to tell. Simply put? A hell of a lot brighter. But you knew that.
  11. C

    LPF is now the #1 laser forum!

    Yes. It used to be pretty awesome... meaning not communist, not censored, and not bad. It's been around quite a while longer than LPF. ...I guess I'm one of the few people left here who's been around long enough to know that... speak up if you remember, eh? :P
  12. C

    FS 10k scanners + DMX

    Re: Feeler - FS 10k scanners + DMX Hell yes!!
  13. C

    Why I don't like Dell

    Hehe... yeah. Dell's support hasn't ever been it's strong point. I'm sitting behind a Latitude D620 right now... it's been through more than most shock/weather/spill/abuse-proof laptops could take, and it still works fine. The only computers I've owned in the past decade, aside from home-built...
  14. C

    803t sleds

    So... I heard somewhere that the 803t sleds were flammable. I scraped some metal off with a knife, and held it over an open flame... sure enough, it "lit". I'm wondering if anyone knows what these are made out of. I'm betting a magnesium alloy, just because of how it burned, but I'm not...
  15. C

    F/S   Phr-803t diode in AixiZ module $23 AUD

    Re: F/S   Phr-803t diode in AixiZ module $23 Is this for Australia only?
  16. C

    What happened to this forum?

    Welcome back. We had a few server errors, upgraded YaBB a few times, etc. Quite a bit of stuff got lost in the process.
  17. C

    The politics thread - keep it in here!

    Lol... that man fails at life. Me, I support neither. Obama has no idea how the military works, and is gonna try to socialize healthcare... McCain really doesn't know what he's talking about, and is just out there to make Obama look bad. My opinions of both candidates went down even more after...
  18. C

    Hard decision

    Me, I'd get the lens. Good lenses are crucial. At least go for a less expensive laser. :P
  19. C

    the scarriest moments of my life! post yours!

    ... See the little black sphere? that's a thermal imager/IR camera. They have them hooked up to screens and controls inside the cockpit. That's how they get all their imagery. They have to have seen it through there, and reported it.  There's NO way they got that footage from the cockpit, or...
  20. C

    Post your PC setup .

    Damn... you had me scared for a bit thar... :P well... I guess you still do... but less xD
