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  1. jArdi

    Question about lasers.

    dark hot chocolate works better :tinfoil: also the more solid the color the better it will work as well. if it's transparent it will just refract
  2. jArdi

    Question about lasers.

    I don't know for sure how many real changes there would be to it, but I think you should be fine. it's not going to kill you. it won't make any noticeable temperature change in coffee though; however you might hear tiny bubbles boiling
  3. jArdi

    how to clean your laser

    well does the spot/dirt move when you adjust its focus? make the spot as big as you can, so you can see the spots, and then turn is focus a little bit. if it moves, it's on the lens. if not, there's something in the way or on the window
  4. jArdi

    Noob needs help with first green laser

    I ordered 2 of them not so long ago and placed 2 different orders (payed for 2 stamps). They decided to ship only one, and label the package as 2. I told them and ordered another and they said they sent 2 this time, but we'll see.....:undecided:
  5. jArdi

    Help about green laser

    search around the forum a bit. You will find this link in plenty of threads that will answer your question: :) 532nm 1000 vs 532nm 500mw comparison beam Brightness is effected by 2 factors. Output power, and wavelength. A Beam will appear brighter no matter what with more output power (mw)...
  6. jArdi

    how to clean your laser

    On the diode window, or the lense? i know isopropyl alcohol helps. To clean my 3 element lense, i let them sit in a cap full of it for a couple minutes, then held it with a tweezer and rubbed it on both sides a little, and then let it sit again. to dry it, i touched the corner of a microfiber to...
  7. jArdi

    My Fresh Batch Of Smoke Bombs!

    yeah lets not add those hot words (no pun intended) :tinfoil:
  8. jArdi

    MIT develop code to amplify video information

    Guys.....:shhh: Quanta Research Cambridge: VideoScope :whistle: There goes my day tomorrow......
  9. jArdi

    My Fresh Batch Of Smoke Bombs!

    yeah, you get smacked on the no-fly list buying -__- and not to mention i've *heard that its illegal to order some online. but I mean, you cant even buy kno3 or NaO3 stump remover up by me :C the best pure element would be sulfur at a garden supply store and magnesium fire starters....BUT they...
  10. jArdi

    My Fresh Batch Of Smoke Bombs!

    guys, dont set your house up on fire when we pm you how to do things like this :crackup:
  11. jArdi

    My Fresh Batch Of Smoke Bombs!

    i havent set anything on fire with my projects yet, however i have blown a thing or two up...including my fingers :o (I still have them, but i do have nerve damage....4 years later....)
  12. jArdi

    FORUM GAME: The Neverending story of LPF

    the collider enough, that
  13. jArdi

    MIT develop code to amplify video information

    please do and post everything! I would love to try and to see this!
  14. jArdi

    My Fresh Batch Of Smoke Bombs!

    those look like KNO3 + sugar and (maybe) dextrin ones :D anybody wants to know about this or any type of exothermics, feel free to pm me as well - I don't order chemicals online so everything is local :D
  15. jArdi

    Looking to buy a green 100mw+ preferably pen style!

    Either way! $35 for a 100mw? ill take it :) I actually just bought the 100mw keychain one :) 2 weeks and it has yet to ship though :(
  16. jArdi

    Looking to buy a green 100mw+ preferably pen style!

    How about the lazerer group buy for $25? :) sounds like an AWSOME price for me! http://laserpointerforums.com/f55/gb-lazerer-like-manufacturer-lasers-group-buy-25-100-a-80584.html
  17. jArdi

    FORUM GAME: The Neverending story of LPF

    eaten by rabbit (s)
  18. jArdi

    FORUM GAME: The Neverending story of LPF

    quote it: mothers clothes drawer which.....
  19. jArdi

    FORUM GAME: The Neverending story of LPF

    So lets make a story! Each Person gets to post up to 4 words that that will continue the previous persons post. You will be creating a story consisting of fragments from everybodys post about - well - whatever. Example: Poster # 1: Once upon a time...... Poster # 2: [Once upon a time......]...
