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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Marecek

    Hi, this is some form of my logo. Of course I am very close to children and the silhouette of...

    Hi, this is some form of my logo. Of course I am very close to children and the silhouette of the little girl has a special atmosphere. It is nothing malicious, I have just been using it for many years. But I'm not a little girl :D I also use this logo in our company on PCBs made by me.
  2. Marecek

    My new project with name "Laser S1". [IMG]

    My new project with name "Laser S1".
  3. Marecek

    My Opt Lasers uRGB singlemode DIY RGB kit

    Hey. Hey, I'd like to ask what kind of mirrors they are. I want to start my own RGB laser with a total power of 6W. So thank you in advance.
  4. Marecek

    520nm 750mW Green laser "gun?".

    Thank you for liking one of my lasers. I've been doing panel joints since I was a kid, although I draw boards at work and have them done in JLCPCB. However, at home I make them using etching. Sure, the board would want to accommodate stronger components like mainly diode, inductor, low ESR...
  5. Marecek

    520nm 750mW Green laser "gun?".

    Hey, everybody, This is probably my first post so I'd like to show my better side. I would like to show my latest project regarding lasers. It's a 520nm 750mW laser. It is completely my design including 3D prints, switched CC converter and complete test and diagnostics. Before I get to the...
  6. Marecek

    [IMG] Test new switching diode driver. Current limiting: 150mA - 1900mA (and more 20A)...

    Test new switching diode driver. Current limiting: 150mA - 1900mA (and more 20A) Operation voltage: 6 - 12,6V (2S and 3S cells)
  7. Marecek

    [IMG] My rainbow from 3 years ago!

    My rainbow from 3 years ago!
  8. Marecek

    Interests: Electronics, High Voltage, Lasers, Physics Interesting facts about me: I am an...

    Interests: Electronics, High Voltage, Lasers, Physics Interesting facts about me: I am an electronics engineer primarily involved in power supplies, building Tesla Transformers, laser design, and exploring the principles of light sources. My biggest builds: a QCW-DRSSTC, 4W 450nm. Laser + 2S...
  9. Marecek

    New drivers coming!

    I guess we didn't understand each other... I'm definitely not someone who doesn't understand switching power supplies and current sources, so I don't understand the nonsense you write here :) I as a developer know very well what works and I only asked what this power supply works on and since I...
  10. Marecek

    New drivers coming!

    Oh, well :D it sounds quite funny when you write here that it's development as if it's for the army. I'm an electronics engineer and I design many more complex projects around switching power supplies and you're bragging about something that's straight from DataSheet.. how funny, however if...
  11. Marecek

    New drivers coming!

    I don't know what's so complicated about it... Found some IC Buck-Boost on Farnell, Mouser etc.. then drew it in KiCad and made PCB... In two hours done. Anyway, thanks for the reply. PS: Will you grind the type designation of the IC? :D
  12. Marecek

    New drivers coming!

    Hi, :) What kind of IC are you using? I'm thinking of a lot of ways of Buck, Buck-Boost and Boost converters for which I make my own designs so out of curiosity I'm asking what you use here. For the future though, I'll show a couple of inverter types for given laser diode types and different...
