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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Pontiacg5

    The Trinity Laser Build (Picture Heavy!)

    That is nice! Makes things easy to wire up. Just for clarity though, you can't run a regular LOC red diode and a green module in the same host without electrically isolating one or the other. The green module is case positive, and the red diode is case negative. As soon as you put a battery in...
  2. Pontiacg5

    Laser Soldering Kit/Multimeter for Beginners <$15

    Yes, that should work with no problem.
  3. Pontiacg5

    The Trinity Laser Build (Picture Heavy!)

    The new 635 red diodes are case neutral so all lasers can be case positive if you want them too. Another benefit of the new 635s! The extreme attention to detail in this build is amazing! I can't wait to see it working. Nicely done!
  4. Pontiacg5

    Harvesting / Teardown of the Pico1 Projector - 450nm, 640nm, + non-DPSS Green

    Which are you talking about? The green module or the RGB module? I have one on the way, I'll try to get some white light out of it.
  5. Pontiacg5

    It is Here.!!!!! 300mW "635nm" Mitsubishi.....

    Facet damage is probably not as big a deal with such a huge die. Maybe?
  6. Pontiacg5

    Some help with lasers for hairloss therapy ?

    Save your money, those things are snake oil.
  7. Pontiacg5

    1,8W 808nm from DinoDirect @ $172,37 each!

    The module is really easy to remove, if you wanted to seperate it down to a host and the actual laser parts it could be done really easy. It would get through without a doubt if you sent it like that.
  8. Pontiacg5

    1,8W 808nm from DinoDirect @ $172,37 each!

    I would assume paypal is threatening to lock their account if they are selling high powered lasers on their site anywhere, even if they don't let you use paypal to pay for those lasers. If that is true more and more of these chinese sites will probably stop selling lasers, or they'll move them...
  9. Pontiacg5

    MicroVision SHOWWX Classic Laser Pico Projector $99

    I was going to try that, I'm afraid the thing might have some sort of pickoff that will freak out and shut the whole thing down though. I'll let you know how it goes :D
  10. Pontiacg5

    Why are green diodes so expencive?

    Have we really seen any evidence that there are 515nm engineering samples out there? That is besides that Laser66 guy who says he can get anything but just ignores you or claims some NDA agreement keeps him from doing anything :tired:
  11. Pontiacg5

    Post Your: Unique Cars

    If you use firefox, right click and hit copy image location. Then paste that URL between "" "tags" If you don't have firefox then you may find a similar copy image location option under the right click menu. I think IE just gives you a Javascript Void link though, and that doesn't work...
  12. Pontiacg5

    MicroVision SHOWWX Classic Laser Pico Projector $99

    I bought one, then went back to buy another. Woot won't let me... If you want more than one make sure you pick the "I want two" box the first time you check out. I guess I won't have one to use for it's intended purpose anymore...
  13. Pontiacg5

    I want a flashlight

    You mean coherent photons :na:
  14. Pontiacg5

    Not wearing goggles

    If your seeing weird colors or temporary bind spots you are overloading something in your eyes. I would consider that unnecessary wear and tear...
  15. Pontiacg5

    I want a flashlight

    Really? You must not be looking hard. Check google. I told you exactly what to search for.
  16. Pontiacg5

    I want a flashlight

    Almost any flashlight will burn if focused properly. A regular incandescent bulb, like the torch uses, would be best though. You would be better off making your own though. Look up Osram T3 bi-pin bulbs, that is what the torch uses.
  17. Pontiacg5

    Not wearing goggles

    If he is using the laser in a way that gives him blind spots he should be using goggles.
  18. Pontiacg5

    GB: Low Cost 15K Scanner Galvo Set with DMX & ILDA Complete - $75 **ARRIVED**

    If you have the header it's as easy as looking for the numbers on the connectors. This should help you a lot! You just need to put those three wires to the correct pins on the header and then plug that header cable into the galvo board. Probing for continuity with a multimeter is easy, there...
  19. Pontiacg5

    GB: Low Cost 15K Scanner Galvo Set with DMX & ILDA Complete - $75 **ARRIVED**

    To figure out which is which on the galvo board you could probe with a multimeter and figure out what goes where. What I would do is get an empty DB25M connector and wire everything through there. They are relatively cheap... Comprehensive DB25M DB25 Pin Plug with Hood Connector I'm not sure...
  20. Pontiacg5

    Low-power laser needed for polymer bonding

    While the toner transfer method works pretty good its had to get fine traces. I'm sure the op knows the toner transfer method, he is just looking for something better.
