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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. Pontiacg5

    12mm Copper 3.8mm 5.6mm and 9mm Aixiz replacement modules

    The driver heatsink is still in progress. Its very hard to mill a slot for the driver when all you have to hold onto is about 3mm of 1mm thick aluminum. I am more than likely going to have to change the design a little. I hope you aren't too upset about that! With Aixiz you get a few extra...
  2. Pontiacg5

    12mm Copper 3.8mm 5.6mm and 9mm Aixiz replacement modules

    Ahah! Please don't PM Pontiac expecting a better price! I can't or won't do it, and I'm sure Aixiz's prices will be more than fair. I hope to do a lot more business with Aixiz in the future, they very well may be the "reseller" I've been looking for. I should have more time to spend making new...
  3. Pontiacg5

    The REAL Kryton GB round #3. Taking payments now.

    In the can can also mean "in jail/prison." I have an old phone number of Ken's but I haven't tried calling it. If times are as tough as he says they are I wouldn't be surprised to find that it was disconnected. If any vet wants to try to call him PM me.
  4. Pontiacg5

    Safari and the back button

    It's probably the new advertizing scripts running in the background. Those are new, who knows what they are actually doing. If there's a noscript add on for safari I suggest you try it. Or Ave could just go to some less intrusive ads instead of constantly making them more invasive. Just...
  5. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    Everything is sold except for the 2W 808nm diode and one 445 diode! Thanks guys!
  6. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    I thought I had replied, but it doesn't look like it went for some reason. Yes and yes, plus my offer still stands if you change your mind ;)
  7. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    Only one left right now.
  8. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    I have the 473nm labby left, the 2W 808 and crystal sets, the jibdrives and the corrective optics. I also have an old CNI green pen that does 75mW+ for $100 and a 500mA 445 in a pen host for $125. I have pics of everything left, just ask ;) Thanks guys!
  9. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    I can get a picture of the spot tomorrow, but for now I can say that the transverse mode does settle to a nice clean TEM00 spot. There is a bit of spatter but it is not excessive, I've always attributed it to a dirty lens somewhere. Wait, I just remembered I have pics of the spot buried in my...
  10. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    PM's replied to... I also found this, while cleaning house today. It's a pair of corrective optics for 445 diodes from DrLava. They are still new in the bag they came in, directions included. They are supposed to fix the divergence of 445 diodes a lot, they may work on 635 diodes too. I...
  11. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    Yep, it comes with a PSU. You can see it in the picture I posted of the laser above. It's a matched supply, has LEDs that indicate the status of the laser. I can say that the big yellow glasses do more than the black framed ones for 445. The big ones block enough to make me feel safe burning...
  12. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    It was sold to me as a brand new 635nm 500mW diode, I have no reason to believe it is anything different. It is still sealed in the packaging I received it in, brand new. Roughly; 405, 445, 473, 532, 635 and 660. Again, these are not intended for a direct hit. They are more than enough for...
  13. Pontiacg5

    Some more stuff for sale, diodes and drivers

    I still have a few odds and ends for sale, mostly didoes and drivers. I have 3 A140 diodes, $37 each shipped I also have three PHR diodes, $10 shipped I have a 500mW 635 c-mount and a matched corrective lens for $50. Brand new! I also have a 2W 808nm c-mount with a set of blue crystals for...
  14. Pontiacg5

    My new toy

    It was an all in one purchase, all I had to do was align the lasers which was a little harder than I thought it would be. If I can get the material and if it'll fit I'll cut some stuff for ya. So far, only wood and plastic. I hope to try force feeding oxygen and really high pressures to...
  15. Pontiacg5

    My new toy

    I'll try, but I do tend to get "excited" around big lasers :whistle:
  16. Pontiacg5

    My new toy

    I went down one gas laser this week, not acceptable... So I got this. Not your average CO2 tube. Well, it sort of is but it's still awesome! The best part is what it's attached to... It's a 1200x900 CNC laser cutter, and it's a lot of fun. Now I just need ideas for cool things to cut...
  17. Pontiacg5

    Re: Electron

    Re: Electron Damnit Moh! Don't bork my thread!! (I was going to call that one too :D )
  18. Pontiacg5

    Re: Electron

    Re: Electron [/Language]
  19. Pontiacg5

    pointer for alignment on cnc table

    Crosshair laser modules are very cheap. You need to talk to Chuck from Aixiz. They're webstore seems to be broken but they do answer if you call. Should be less than $20 bucks, way less. It'll run on 3V (pick up a 2xAA or AAA battery holder from radioshack and wire a switch inline or get a...
  20. Pontiacg5

    ALERT: Bad Selling Experience with "Electron"

    I think a few more people need to put there two cents in about standard shipping time. Especially those of us who have never even been inside a canada post. Shipping time is irrelevant. The fact is Electron wants to make it look like he did everything possible to work this out but in reality...
