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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. jander6442

    Star Wars Mini light saber key chain host

    You can turn down a module if you have to I've done it a couple of times.
  2. jander6442

    Will these boost drivers suit my S06J 12x 600mw 405nm diode?

    Re: Will these boost drivers suit my S06J 12x 405nm diode? Xboost, Xdrive... IMHO. Soft start for that delicate diode.
  3. jander6442

    NUBM44 6W+ 450nm Laser Diode

    I have not put power to it yet. I only used a jewelers glass to view it and she was pretty dirty enough to just blow some off and see a difference.
  4. jander6442

    NUBM44 6W+ 450nm Laser Diode

    I'm wondering if the method of extracting these is leaving material on the windows... I checked up on mine after receiving it and there was quite a bit of fine particulates on the window. I now going to try some canned air to remove when I get a chance.
  5. jander6442

    WTB - "Extended Length" Lens Holder

    Been looking for some of these myself!
  6. jander6442

    I need some advice guys

    Welp it wasn't Dead On Arrival it lased for a whopping 25 seconds sucks for sure.:cryyy::can: However, Joe has been very very reasonable ... just a quick question, did you put the cells in the arctic case positive? I can't say on the stick, but most of those 532nm are case positive as well, food...
  7. jander6442

    pics 5/1 589nm+593.5nm

    Insane and pure art at the same time, thank you jedi master Bruce.
  8. jander6442

    The "Purple pHaze" 3W of Purple

    :worthy: sweet this going to turn out epic.
  9. jander6442

    589nm arrived! Beamshots and some info

    Sweet man, nice unit.
  10. jander6442

    Its here! Beam pics added. PLE-Pro 532

    Re: Its here! Best morning ever! Sweet
  11. jander6442

    rainbow pics 4/24

    Stunning man, just stunning.
  12. jander6442

    High current tail cap switches? Are there any at 10A or higher rated?

    I did this mod might help out. http://laserpointerforums.com/f51/diy-10a-judco-switch-85500.html
  13. jander6442

    WTS Wicked Laser Arctic G1 *SOLD*

    Re: WTS Wicked Laser Arctic G1 Ok man will keep you down if it falls thru.
  14. jander6442

    WTS Wicked Laser Arctic G1 *SOLD*

    OK so I almost forgot I had this unit, but wanting to move in on other projects means you can make out on this 445nm. I can't remember what it specked but I think it was around 850mW IIRC. Any how it's a good one. 90.00 u pay for the shipping.
  15. jander6442

    No longer needed **405nm** for cutting

    Re: Build me a laser **405nm** for cutting :eg::wave::wave::wave:
  16. jander6442

    No longer needed **405nm** for cutting

    Re: Build me a laser **405nm** for cutting Hey Joe, I might have one already built the diode is in a 3.8mm package let me check when I get home. If not I can build one however the diode might take some time to reach me and it's not coming from China. Note: it would more than likely be in the...
  17. jander6442

    FS: SOLD mods close

    Re: FS: The "Blood Club" 635nm I was wrapping up shipping details as that PM came in sorry man it is going to a well deserved home I assure you:beer:
  18. jander6442

    FS: SOLD mods close

    Re: FS: The "Blood Club" 635nm The Blood Club is still available Putin it down for 120.00 sweet deal nice unit.
  19. jander6442

    [Titan's Fist] Active/TEC cooled Massive Mag-lite (pic heavy)

    Sorry man for the real late response. I got them from eslave I think I offered 30.00 bucks.
  20. jander6442

    Vive la France!

    Well just my luck. Maybe Simon can check and review my thread. Have fun and live a little.
