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  1. D

    Where is the date of the topic?

    Yes, what H2Oxide said. We know they are on each individual post. Thanks H2O. Did not know about the different styles.
  2. D

    Another reefer new to boards

    I took the advice of members and just ordered a 1.6w 445nm for the same purpose. I know of others that have gone as high as 5w.
  3. D


    Ok, Efest it is. It'll be 1.6w 445nm. Looks like all the Efests are IMR. Red/white, green and purple. The red ones are cheapest looks like. Good enough? Point me toward a decent charger if you could please. I think Lexus has the quality but Caddy sure has some nice sporty models out. And...
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    I'm so confused. I need a couple 18650 flattops. the more I read the more confused I get. Protected or not protected? Searching this forum I've run across recommendations for any of three different Efests, AW, Sanyo and several others. IMR or not? I know to some extent you get what you pay...
  5. D

    FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

    Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele Ordered a Spiker Saber with 1.6w 445nm. Can't wait!
  6. D

    Where is the date of the topic?

    I've wondered about this also. Never seen a forum without the time and dates. I know it is on the post itself but not where threads are listed.
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    I'm looking for input on host designs.

    I'm a complete noob here but I'll give my impressions. Almost 60 yo so maybe that says something too. :) Stumbled on Ehgemus's hosts and nothing comes close to equaling those. I'd pay more for those works of art! The aluminum/copper hosts stood out for me. The hosts Sanwu produces are a...
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    Sci-Fi lasers the legend of Eithan

    Can't help but notice there is a banner ad for Sci-Fi at the top of every page. It doesn't lead to his business anymore but it gives the impression that this forum supports that business. Is it because he paid and now the ad can't legally be taken down?
  9. D

    Sanwu Spiker case positive?

    Thanks for the review. I was going to get the 3w but now thinking of the 5w. I can get the multi mode and use it at half power but would always have the option of going full. Not much more money. I'll have to be careful. The thought of my wife reminding me about that burn hole every day for...
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    Sanwu Spiker case positive?

    Chris, any updates? How you liking it. I'm thinking about a 3w Spiker myself.
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    445nm for aquarium use

    Thanks diachi. I'll do that.
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    445nm for aquarium use

    Thank you Sta. I had not considered the G7 lens. That Sanwu looks good.
  13. D

    445nm for aquarium use

    I've got a 120g. I would need to reach up to 18 inches to zap what I need to take care of. I'm aware and even paranoid about the safety issues. I was told the higher the power the less time it would take but I'm certainly open to suggestions. I have messaged a few people that have them and...
  14. D

    445nm for aquarium use

    Hello all. First post here. I've done a search both here and on reef forums and most of the info is dated. I'm interested in a 3w 445nm laser for reef aquarium use. Some of the terms I've run across are focusable, g2 lens and laserbee verification of power. I've looked as Sanwu and Survival...
