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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • I gotta ask you about something. What's with the banner on your profile? Silhouettes of what looks like little girls. Are you a little girl? If so the lowest age allowed on this forum is 18 years of age. If you aren't a little girl then why do you as an adult have both your profile pic and banner that of little girls?
    Hi, this is some form of my logo. Of course I am very close to children and the silhouette of the little girl has a special atmosphere. It is nothing malicious, I have just been using it for many years. But I'm not a little girl :D
    I also use this logo in our company on PCBs made by me.
    Unown (WILD)
    Unown (WILD)
    Oh okay. I guess that's reasonable enough... That's great that you make your own pcbs
    My new project with name "Laser S1".

    Interests: Electronics, High Voltage, Lasers, Physics
    Interesting facts about me: I am an electronics engineer primarily involved in power supplies, building Tesla Transformers, laser design, and exploring the principles of light sources.
    My biggest builds: a QCW-DRSSTC, 4W 450nm. Laser + 2S protection and charging, a 5,5kW HV power supply 15kV in SRL topology and many more.
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