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FrozenGate by Avery

Recent content by RoDnSuE

  1. RoDnSuE

    NASA's Next Mars Rover to Zap Rocks With Laser

    I would too. To vaporize rock, it would have to be pretty powerful.
  2. RoDnSuE

    NASA's Next Mars Rover to Zap Rocks With Laser

    Info for all:yh: NASA's Next Mars Rover to Zap Rocks With Laser - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Rod
  3. RoDnSuE

    double sided laser pointer

    Makes me think of "Pong" Yes....I'm old enough to remember playing "Pong" :)
  4. RoDnSuE

    any low power 445nm lasers

    Thanks Benm, That's what I was afraid of. Guess I will have to save up some money after the holidays.
  5. RoDnSuE

    any low power 445nm lasers

    Anyone know of any lower power/cheap (newwish grade):) <100mw 445nm lasers available or coming down the pike? Sorry if it's been asked already but I couldn't find anything listed in a search or two. I did find this on Epray but the price is "way too high" for the power. If I was gonna pay that...
  6. RoDnSuE


    Damn, Everytime you do this I'm broke:( LOVE that SS 18650 laser!
  7. RoDnSuE

    Stargazing turned to lasers

    ^^It's the laser equivalent of a black hole:) (meant as a compliment) :)
  8. RoDnSuE


    Thank you Jay...A picture is worth a thousand words. literally:)
  9. RoDnSuE


    OK...Let me see if I have a bead on this.... Is it a threaded lens holder with a 405-g-1 lens in it that will screw onto the front of an aixiz module somehow?? If not..then I give up:)
  10. RoDnSuE


    Huh?? :confused: He is looking for a 405-g-1 lens in an aixiz module. NOT a diode, heatsink or any other part. Just an aixiz module with a 405-g1 lens already in it. What are you refering to as a 405 g1 modul?? I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't understand what you are refering to.
  11. RoDnSuE

    Donating to LPF

    Done!! Thanks Ave and Rob:) The monthly reminder helps me alot Rob. I would forget otherwise:)
  12. RoDnSuE

    Change Has Come To Priceangels

    It's refreshing to see a company more concerned with their rep than with the bottom line! Thank you John!! I recieved the free gift today and the grandkids have already swiped them from me:) My grandkids thank you as well:) The next time I consider a laser purchase from an overseas company, your...
  13. RoDnSuE

    I would like to introduce my Company(VegaLAsers) and our services

    I like Irfanview for image resizing. It even has a batch process to resize a bunch of images in one function. IrfanView - Official Homepage - one of the most popular viewers worldwide Hope this helps and BTW.. VERY nice work on the OP +1
  14. RoDnSuE

    Halloween Costume Thread

    Just thought it needed a visual:D I just searched Google images for ("rubber tree" costume) It just seemed like the most appropriate picture:) Like I said....Beer helps:beer:
  15. RoDnSuE

    Halloween Costume Thread

    When I was in the military, one of the guys dressed up as a "rubber tree" for our squadron halloween party. He wore camo's and stuck a few small branches with leaves on them in his shirt. Then he hung condoms all over the branches and his arms.:D It was funny as hell.:) I really wish I had took...
