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PPM Pen Pointer Maker

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  • Remember that you need 20 posts before you start selling, ok?
    PPM Pen Pointer Maker
    PPM Pen Pointer Maker
    Please do not misunderstand me.aggressive aggro, or troll. This is by no means what I want :(

    if I wrote anything in "Sales Category" that this was truly my mistake. Really sorry.

    If you will keep a close eye on my activities in the future, you will probably learn the same thing. "We do not proceed with sales outside of south korea"
    Unown (WILD)
    Unown (WILD)
    It looked to me that you were listing products but alright make another thread if you want.
    PPM Pen Pointer Maker
    PPM Pen Pointer Maker
    Good. Understand!
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