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Recent content by ppbss

  1. ppbss

    PBS Cube to Combine Beams? [VIDEO]

    he is right RENNO;)
  2. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    retirado de la venta
  3. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    the price is very good
  4. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    Bajada de precios green - 532nm>500mw ttl 350€ blue - 473nm>100mw ttl 400€ red - 658nm>800mw ttl 300€ BUYING THE 3, I LEAVE 1000€ BEARINGS AND EXPENSES THEM, BY MY ACCOUNT
  5. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    then no, to already send it to hill 50€ and to the new being and that power, you would not find it cheap but, I leave its real price you you see and it, 496+priorii o tnt 800mW 658nm Diode Lasers :: Diode Red Lasers :: Ultralasers, Inc
  6. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    modulacion analoga
  7. ppbss

    ¿ so that they serve these 3 prisms ?

    ok, I sold them already to 2, has left 1 to experiment
  8. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    under the prices
  9. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    some good supply
  10. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    I have two red, one I sell, if you are interested, pm
  11. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    ok NIKOKAPO, thanks qumefox :bowdown:
  12. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    cheer up
  13. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

  14. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    this is good start for what I want Laser RED High Bright 640nm 400mW Analog / TTL PSU-OEM en venta en eBay.es (finaliza el 28-ago-10 09:50:44 H.Esp) M2 factor <2 Beam divergence, full angle (mrad) < 1.0 Beam diameter at the aperture (mm) ~ 2.5 Beam height from base plate (mm) 29
  15. ppbss

    3 units laser dpss ttl

    pilgor ,PM enviado, for all , I let you buy the 3 best price
