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Recent content by nocturn9x

  1. N

    The batteries' struggle

    Thanks! I'll give that a chance :)
  2. N

    The batteries' struggle

    I recently bought a 532nm green laser from ebay, and it came without a battery. I tried it with my ecig's 18650 3.7V Li-ion battery and it seems to work like a charm, although I later found out it's supposed to be used with 2 16340 3.7V batteries (the contacts are a little loose so sometimes I...
  3. N

    Tips on how to use my new laser safely?

    The laser was obviously advertised as <5mW, the seller said it should've been around 1.5W (unrealistic for a green laser given the inefficiently of using IR lasers to make green light) and the sticker on it says it's under 5000mW so I basically have no idea until I shove out the 300+ dollars for...
  4. N

    Safety goggles recommendation

    Hi all! I recently bought 2 pair of goggles off amazon, but learned trough another thread I opened that they're basically useless for my purpose, so I'm refunding them. I already own a green laser which I assume is in the 80~200mW range and just now bought another blue one claiming to be 2...
  5. N

    Tips on how to use my new laser safely?

    I see. Can you guys recommend some goggles that block red lasers? Possibly on Amazon or with international shipping :)
  6. N

    Tips on how to use my new laser safely?

    Isn't the green color supposed to absorb most of the green light and reflect it back?
  7. N

    Tips on how to use my new laser safely?

    The goggles are green. I trusted the product description saying they block 532nm lasers. The dot does not exactly look bright, in fact it's much less brighter trough the goggles. When I point the laser right in front of them (I have 2 pairs, I wouldn't risk my eyeballs lol!) the light on the...
  8. N

    Tips on how to use my new laser safely?

    Thanks for the advice! All of my siblings are over the age of 14 so I'm hoping that if I tell them not to play with my eye-blowing death laser if they don't wanna become permanently blind they'll follow my advice. Regardless I think I'll buy an ammo case regardless, just in case... 😂
  9. N

    Tips on how to use my new laser safely?

    Hi all! This is my first time posting here, I've been following this community for a while (got to know this thanks to styropyro) and yesterday I finally got my first laser "pointer" delivered. It's a green (532nm) class 3 laser and the sticker says the output power is "under 5000mW" (duh). I...
