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  • hello

    glad you added your location-- TOO MANY fail to do that is its a big mistake-- sending you an invite to join our Texas socail group-- being located in Wacko is good for you as you are inbetween the 4 big cities and thus not too far away to make one of out TX LEMs. (last one was in S.A. and was super)

    btw you may someday regret your username choice--lol

    hopefully you wont be a newcomer forever--I have been working with members near me- also in Houston- DFW and SanMarcos/Phlugerville on finding good venues for the next TEXLEM-- I would like to someday see LEMs going on in all at least once per year.

    +6 green rep bump for adding your location when you joined us.. good move--PM me anytime If you need any help

    Len (lake jackson area)
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