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  • My red has not been arrived yet, I am actually waiting for it to turn up at 2007Revolution 's place, he's gonna test its power :)
    off topic: do you know if red lasers have a chance of being mostley infrared and being damaging to the eyes? my friend said to look out for that...

    And would a 100mW green be to much for my next laser? lol
    300mW red that sounds really exciting u going to post pics of it when its built??
    Yup it'll be my first powerful one, my 5mW doesnt really count :p
    50mW green? should i look on DX for that onr try budgetgadgets or o-like... there are so many choices! And yeah, really bright beam is what I would look for in a laser!
    Is that a good place to get the diode?? and tell me how it goes when you build your own!!
    Thats awesome I can't wait until mine arrives. So what would you recommend next, assuming I am now addicted to lasers (which i am) :) Someone sucggested that i build myself a blu ray violet laser with the 'PHR' model diode... first i need to figure out what that means, but it is pretty exciting!
    Oh awesome! so the rechargeable are best? i've heard the batteries are kind of rare, so that makes sense :) i can't wait until i get mine!! any initial problems with the laser?
    Your signature says you own a 200 mW focusable red laser from DX, what do you think of it?? I am about to order one :) thanks!!
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