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Recent content by Atlas87

  1. Atlas87

    Sanwu lasers - Will Consider all offers

    Oh man, clearly I didn't have enough coffee lol! Thank you lol
  2. Atlas87

    Sanwu lasers - Will Consider all offers

    Ah, yes! I was half asleep when I was typing this up. I’ll fix that right now, Thank you 🙏🏻
  3. Atlas87

    Sanwu lasers - Will Consider all offers

    Sanwu Sticker saber 265nm 2W with magnetic dimmer (AVAILABLE) Sanwu Challenger II 520nm 200mW (AVAILABLE) Stricker Saber: This laser has approximately 15 minutes of total ON time at 1 minute on 1 minute off 465nm 2W Magnetic dimmer switch is rad. Adjustable power from 0 to full...
  4. Atlas87

    589nm Spartan Yellow Laser — Review, Pictures, LPM Data

    Oh man, a full review! I'm stoked to actually see some numbers and thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're just as happy with it as I was. Thank you
  5. Atlas87

    Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

    Thank you everyone @julianthedragon @Anthony P @CurtisOliver and sound great @Podo thank you for the update!
  6. Atlas87

    Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

    Hey there, Looks like no one has posted to this thread in a few months. Ive reached out to Sanwu a few time over the last couple months and havent heard back. Can anyone tell me if they are still open for business? I was interested in their RGB laser for a long time. I'm not necessarily trying...
  7. Atlas87

    (Sold) Dragon laser Spartan 589nm 50mW Like New

    Thank you to everyone that was interested but @julianthedragon was the winner. The 589nm has a beautiful warm glow, I hope you enjoy it as much as I.
  8. Atlas87

    (Sold) Dragon laser Spartan 589nm 50mW Like New

    Sell this Dragon laser Spartan 589nm 50mW with Spartan specific beam expander. Approximately 15 minutes of total ON time at 30 sec. on 30 sec. off Kept in its original package in a foam case 95% of the time. This is my second 589nm Spartan from Dragon lasers. 589nm is my absolute favorite...
  9. Atlas87

    Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

    You may have already tried this but I have the same set and almost all of their pen lasers. I was having issues with only certain lasers working and at much lower intensity that I expected while others wouldn't even turn on. Well it turns out I had purchased the correct size batteries but I over...
  10. Atlas87

    Sanwu RGB review

    That must belong to Thanos......
  11. Atlas87

    Diffraction grating Recomendations

    Hello all, so I tried to search the forums but was having difficulty finding a thread discussing diffraction gratings. I'm interested in getting some and some prisms to play with but I'm really unsure where to find gratings that can handle higher power lasers 100mW-5W I was really interested in...
  12. Atlas87

    Selling another set of Sanwu lasers :)

    Hey everyone, my apologies for the late responses on my part. School is a little crazy at the moment but I lucked out and sold most of the lasers locally back in December and over the last month or so on Offerup. Thank you all for your interest and I cant wait to get another set of lasers! After...
  13. Atlas87

    Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

    Thanks @ArcticDude by any chance do you have any idea id Sanwu offers any sort of warranty on such a complex laser?
  14. Atlas87

    Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

    Hi @Podo Im super excited to order one of your new RGB lasers soon! I was trying to skim the thread and looked on the Sanwu Laser official webpage for an warranty information. I cant remember if the RGB lasers come with an warranty. If I over looked it somewhere my apologies. Also, what is the...
  15. Atlas87

    Selling another set of Sanwu lasers :)

    Apologies for the late response. @Chelston I'm afraid shipping to the UK would be a little too expensive for me. @tsteele93 the 635nm 520nm are still for sale.
