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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser safety and goggles


Aug 30, 2021
my batteries arrived today but do you guys think i’m fine …? i charged them and put them in my new sanwu laser pressed the power button to make sure they were in the right way and i looked straight down at the laser for a second looked away and shut it off now my eyes have a tingly feeling but i can see fine im pretty worried .. what are the best laser goggles i can get for all wavelengths as i’m looking to get more in the future and i’m not turning it back on until i get myself a pair

Which Sanwu laser was it? Power? Wavelength?

Lasers need to be treated like firearms, never point the aperture at yourself or anyone else, goggles or not, whether it's on or off, or has batteries in it or not.

LPF is hobbyist forum, we are not medical doctors, and there is no way we can diagnose any potential eye injury online. Many factors can determine whether an injury occurred or not. If you are concerned about something in your vision you should see an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
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If you're really worried you were injured you should get it checked out by a professional, that's all we can tell you. But for glasses, Survival Lasers Eagle Pair are the way to go, and there is no single pair that works for every wavelength--that would be complete opaque black. You have to buy a pair or multiple pairs that work for the wavelength range your laser(s) are in
If you're really worried you were injured you should get it checked out by a professional, that's all we can tell you. But for glasses, Survival Lasers Eagle Pair are the way to go, and there is no single pair that works for every wavelength--that would be complete opaque black. You have to buy a pair or multiple pairs that work for the wavelength range your laser(s) are in
survival lasers meh. cheap crap with false ratings.
If you're really worried you were injured you should get it checked out by a professional, that's all we can tell you. But for glasses, Survival Lasers Eagle Pair are the way to go, and there is no single pair that works for every wavelength--that would be complete opaque black. You have to buy a pair or multiple pairs that work for the wavelength range your laser(s) are in
would the ones that are OD6 eagle pair up to 540 nm?
would the ones that are OD6 eagle pair up to 540 nm?
If you have a laser between 190-540nm like violet, blue, cyan, dpss green then yes
Dude did you end up getting the 7W striker?
survival lasers meh. cheap crap with false ratings.
well I use them and I've heard lots of positive/negative opinions lately so idk what to think. Do you have any reasoning?
If you have a laser between 190-540nm like violet, blue, cyan, dpss green then yes
Dude did you end up getting the 7W striker?

well I use them and I've heard lots of positive/negative opinions lately so idk what to think. Do you have any reasoning?
check the current SL thread. tests have been done and they do not even come close to their rated specs.
If you have a laser between 190-540nm like violet, blue, cyan, dpss green
Dude did you end up getting the 7W striker?

well I use them and I've heard lots of positive/negative opinions lately so idk what to think. you have any reasoning?
what laser do you have? what wavelength and power?
7W striker but i’m gonna get more different ones in the future
If you have a laser between 190-540nm like violet, blue, cyan, dpss green

7W striker but i’m gonna get more different ones in the future
is the striker the one you were giving yourself eye damage with?
7W striker
welp that's probably the least safe pre-built handheld laser out there.....the only POSSIBLE silver lining and I'm not 100% sure is that usually Sanwu gives their diodes a soft start so if you looked at the laser right when it powered on you might not have been hit with all 7W at once but I think getting it checked out would be smart if it were me
