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FrozenGate by Avery

Official Discord of LPF

Unown (WILD)

Well-known member
Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Sep 4, 2020
I'd like to announce the new official discord of LPF. All are welcomed to join but try to keep things civil.

If you don't know what discord is you can read up on it here https://discord.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=advertising&utm_campaign=2020-01_google-us-registrations-brand_broad&utm_term=ENG-Text-Chat-Desktop-NA-All-All-All&utm_content=--t:pa&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyZmEBhCpARIsALIzmnJ3YdR6br2kal15SL7DOM2O-rk54JGg-CFgsLr5xRdj77jDp8JvYpwaAmniEALw_wcB

Great place to chat and share ideas or to just hangout with the community. Because it's new it's a WIP. Rules are subject to change. Have fun!
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'Official' Discord of LPF? Did Avery approve this?
Not sure why he would tbh.
Was going to post " Official meaning what? Avery started a "Discord" to compete with LPF and direct LPF members away from LPF contrary to the purpose of LPF?" but you beat me to it. If Avery is not the funder or a member if not then it's just hogwash.... lol

To say "Official Discord of LPF" as title and "I'd like to announce the new official discord of LPF" is a direct violation of Terms of Use.
It says in #8 Specifically Prohibited Uses: "§ Post Content that implies that You imply or state, directly or indirectly, that You are affiliated with or endorsed by Laser Pointer Forums unless You have entered into a written agreement with Laser Pointer Forums. "
Avery would announce same if this was the case and he hasn't so ,,, .
Unless and until we hear differently from Avery the Official owner of the Official LPF and the Official LPF live chat, it is just disconnected narcissist bull squirt for attention and nothing to do with LPF nor endorsed in any way as Official anything by LPF.

In the "donate" blurb at top of page there is an actually an Official, Official live LPF chat feature spoken about where it says "gain access to a LPF live chat feature with many cool features so....
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Every discord I've been a part of has always had a Not Safe For Work section. It's not really a big deal. It's labeled NSFW for a reason. If you find those things appalling then don't look at it. Frankly I'm disgusted with everyone's posts in this thread.
Avery is super busy with his jobs and other discords that he runs. It's hard to get him online but when he does he will sort this all out. He paid to boost the server and has full permissions that I do. You don't like it then don't join but don't come on here and start berating
Welcome to the Discord everyone. :D Both myself and Avery are on the channel, so wiggle your ears and come join us. :D


