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FrozenGate by Avery

Buying Skylasers or laser btb


Feb 16, 2020
Hello. About 6-7 years ago I wanted to buy a skylasers 532nm 200mw laser, it was my dream but I was still quite young and I didn't have enough money. The only thing I could afford was a 303 laser. Now when I can afford to buy such a laser, skylasers no longer offers this model. This is really sad. My question is whether anyone of you has a skylasers or laser btb 532nm 200mw or 300mw laser, optionally a 200mw or stronger red laser and is willing to sell it to me. I would be very grateful because all of the lasers listed above have a collector's value for me. I live in Poland but if someone did not know it here in Poland we have no restrictions when it comes to buying lasers and we can buy whatever we like so there should be no problems with transport to Poland. Regards and I hope that there will be someone who wants to sell me one of these lasers. I really care about it
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Why not get a Jet-Laser 200mW 532?
Maby I missed something? Is it because the Skylaser had a key and shutter?
Why not get a Jet-Laser 200mW 532?
Maby I missed something? Is it because the Skylaser had a key and shutter?
skylasers have a keylock and shutter but i also really like their housing+ they are now collector's lasers
PS you can order a JetLasers laser with tailcap key lock instead of a button--you are better off with a JetLasers 532nm --excellent lasers and customer service and good resale value--currently manufactring lasers.
Skylasers/laserbtb lasers are not so collectable as they are unavailable/no longer made since 2017

If you have to have for whatever reasons a laserbtb/skylasers unit, this member had a 300mW 532nm for sale since 2017. He last posted it was still for sale on Nov 2019. As far as I know it was never sold---maybe contact him and ask it it is still for sale

You can ask this company if they have one---maybe they do https://www.sky-lasers.com/sky-lasers.html
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PS you can order a JetLasers laser with tailcap key lock instead of a button--you are better off with a JetLasers 532nm --excellent lasers and customer service and good resale value--currently manufactring lasers.
Skylasers/laserbtb lasers are not so collectable as they are unavailable/no longer made since 2017

If you have to have for whatever reasons a laserbtb/skylasers unit, this member had a 300mW 532nm for sale since 2017. He last posted it was still for sale on Nov 2019. As far as I know it was never sold---maybe contact him and ask it it is still for sale

You can ask this company if they have one---maybe they do https://www.sky-lasers.com/sky-lasers.html
I wrote to this member but he doesn't reply :(
I wrote 5 messages to him, I hope this helps

It all depends upon if he has his LF set to email him or not.--that function is in "Settings"
He rarely check sin on LPF as mentioned last time was Nov 2019--is not an urgent thing for him to sell it as it has been for sale since 2017.

Who knows--was worth a try.
It all depends upon if he has his LF set to email him or not.--that function is in "Settings"
He rarely check sin on LPF as mentioned last time was Nov 2019--is not an urgent thing for him to sell it as it has been for sale since 2017.

Who knows--was worth a try.
hmmm then do you know anyone else who could sell me such a laser?
No. You are wanting something never offered new or used anywhere. Maybe the guy will answer you given time.
You could try the member who used to do Skylaser group buys member "offroadfreak" in the Netherlands---maybe he has one laying in the closet or knows someone who would sell see: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/pricedrop-offroads-laserbtb-sales-thread.100478/

You can get a 300mW JetLaser PL-E Pro 532nm pr PL-E Mini for just under $200 am sure they are rare in Poland --200mW for less
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