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FrozenGate by Avery

Please Help Me!

Is there anything I can do?

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Jun 8, 2017
Hello friends, I have recently picked up my first laser, I had bought it used off of someone, the guy said he paid $60 for the laser and batteries, not certain if that is true but I bought the laser, two batteries, and charger for about $30.
I was having a lot of fun playing with it that night but I fell asleep with the laser unlocked. When I woke up, it was no longer working. I figured the battery must have died, so I charged the first battery. The two batteries I have are pink, they are labeled Samsung, and they don't have a + or - label. So, I charged the battery the best I knew how, put it in the laser on each end and it still didn't work. I charged the battery on the other end, put it back in the laser, tried both ends and it still didn't work. I know this battery works because it had worked the night before. Neither battery will work on either end and the laser still appears dead. I can't get in contact with the seller, so I don't know if he knew it was broken or what, it seemed perfectly fine to me when I bought it. I can't get it to work now and I can't find any information online. Have I just wasted my money? I am seriously heartbroken, I only got to use it for a night. I am very frustrated, I have a lot of overwhelming problems in my life, and this is really screwing with me. I'd like to say that I am smart enough to not hurt myself or anything over something this trivial, but I am really at the end of my rope here, I am very frustrated, and I can't find any help, and I am really scared that it's just broken now. Please help.

Do you have any pictures of the laser? Any other information about it? Beam colour? That sort of thing.

Fell asleep with it unlocked? As in, key switch set to on, left right next to you in the bed or whatever?

If it was left running for an extended length of time it's possible that the heat produced by the long run could have killed it.

Sticking the batteries in every which way certainly isn't a good idea, not all lasers can survive having the batteries in backwards... Best to take note of which way they were when you took them out.
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Sad to say if you put the batteries in backwards you probably burned out the driver or diode or both. Unless of course it had a polarity protection cirrcut in it. Most of the cheaper one don't, sorry. :(

Any chance you could post a picture of it with the brand?

Edit, I see Diachi says the same thing. Sorry, wished it was better news.

Edit, rereading what you wrote, are you saying you put the batteries in the charger both ways?
If you did, it just might be the batteries are fired and your laser is still good. I wouldn't do anything until you find out the correct polarity of the laser than get fresh batteries and keep your fingers crossed. :thinking:
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You may have burnt the diode with to long of a duty cycle! If so, you will need to replace the diode. With the amount of info you have given, it will be very hard to diagnose! Good luck!
Yes I will post a picture of it tonight if I can, the only text on it is a label that says
"Avoid Exposurelaser
Light is emitted from the aperture
Max output power 1000Mw
Wavelength 650mm +/- 10
Class III laser product
This product compiles with 21 CFR
Banned direct eyes Forbid children to play
Minors are prohibited from use"

It is a red laser, larger than my hand.
So it's certainly broken then, I can't fix it without buying more parts? Be it a battery or a diode, and either of those may not even work?
Yes I will post a picture of it tonight if I can, the only text on it is a label that says
"Avoid Exposurelaser
Light is emitted from the aperture
Max output power 1000Mw
Wavelength 650mm +/- 10
Class III laser product
This product compiles with 21 CFR
Banned direct eyes Forbid children to play
Minors are prohibited from use"

It is a red laser, larger than my hand.

Output power on the label doesn't mean much 95% of the time...

Isn't sounding too hopeful thus far, but it'll be easier to evaluate once we know what we're looking at.
So it's certainly broken then, I can't fix it without buying more parts? Be it a battery or a diode, and either of those may not even work?

Do you own a way to test the batteries? If so test them first. Than find the correct polarity of the laser. Insert batteries. If nothing, jump the host/case of the laser with the end of the battery that touchs the tailcap. If it works there's something wrong with the tailcap. Hope it helps. :)

Edit; if it's a Gatling style laser, they generally have polarity protection so you just might be in luck. :)
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I'm not sure if that image is accessable, it is asking me for a URL and the closest I can get is a Google Drive link. I can't upload the file.
Can't believe you tried to charge a Li-ion battery without knowing its polarity. That is beyond dangerous. And leaving it unlocked while you dozed off making it possible to be turned on and running until the unit either failed or the batteries discharged is some of the most irresponsible behavior we harp on here. These things are not toys, but you seem to think they are. I hope you learn a valuable leason form this experience.
Can't believe you tried to charge a Li-ion battery without knowing its polarity. That is beyond dangerous. And leaving it unlocked while you dozed off making it possible to be turned on and running until the unit either failed or the batteries discharged is some of the most irresponsible behavior we harp on here. These things are not toys, but you seem to think they are. I hope you learn a valuable leason form this experience.



And it's a 301...

OP ... these can be bought new, with charger and a battery for about $15... The "1000mW" quoted on the label is also grossly inaccurate, probably by a factor of 5-10 or more.
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Laser_01 Photo by MartinTheHuman | Photobucket

Yep, I am trying to learn, I wasn't given any information and the sources I used to read up on laser care and use was either too impatient for a layman like myself or else didn't mention anything about charging or replacing batteries. I really have looked for advice everywhere I can but I can only seem to find insults. Unfortunately it seems my laser has suffered because of it. Hope this image is accessible.

PS - thanks for getting that image out before I could even figure it out! I am new to posting on the forums here.
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Sorry for your problems caused by your inexperience
and lack of knowledge. Google is a great place to gain
knowledge for free. :beer:


BTW... At the bottom of every one of your posts on
the right side is an [EDIT] button that can be used
to combine.. fix or Edit your posts.
It is considered poor Forum etiquette to Double Post
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Is it just me or does someone else smell something.. :thinking:

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GSS, maybe somethings cooking. :D Also listen to this.
GSS said:
falling asleep with a "laser" is not like falling asleep with the TV on:tsk: Come on:can:

Yep, Paul has said my exact concerns.
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