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FrozenGate by Avery

low divergence green pointers ?

Feb 17, 2008
I wonder if someone know where to get green pointer with superior beam profile. I need it with a beam diameter of 1±0.2mm at aperture.

Between all the lasers I have owned, the DL 594nm had the tightest beam I've ever seen at <1.2mm then comes the novalsers x-series at ~1.2mm

They might look like a typical pen pointer but that's were it ends. I can't compare them to RPL as I don't have one but I guarentee not one member here will not say they are top notch. I have the Optotronics 532nm 75mw that averages 86mw and its beam is so so tight and stable. Every pointer they have is nicely overspec and comes with a chart of output. All the specs of divergance and beam measurement is posted on his sight. If your in the US shipping is 2 day priority.Customer service is like iv'e never seen before. Jack the owner will get back to almost immediately and you can even call him personaly but he's located in Colorado US so there might be a time delay. Have you looked at his sight yet?

I know optotronics since I've been in this hobby 8 years ago and I know their RPL series is one of the finest in the market but their pens seems to be just like the generic chinese lasers. Do you have any measurements of your laser? The definition of tight can vary from person to person. I have 300mW CNI-PGL-III-A and it has ~1.6mm diameter and I don't find tight.
I wonder if someone know where to get green pointer with superior beam profile. I need it with a beam diameter of 1±0.2mm at aperture.

Between all the lasers I have owned, the DL 594nm had the tightest beam I've ever seen at <1.2mm then comes the novalsers x-series at ~1.2mm
What kind of power output are you looking for?
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What are you trying to do, it won't hold that diameter over distance, that's why there is a built in expander in every dpss green I have ever seen.

If you take the double concave/GRIN lens and the final focus lens out, then you will see the beam straight out of the crystal is less than needle thin, it's like 3 hairs thick, but it will diverge over distance faster.

If you find a tiny beam that carries please let us know, I would like to see it because the emitter, in this case pump and crystal set will have to be sub micro with an expander set up after that. The crystal out may be 2 hairs thick or 1 hair thick.

The original 532's were set to infinity with a 1.5 - 2.0 mm beam at the aperture, but match lighters wanted it concentrated to, well light matches so the final focus lens was changed, you can't even get a good infinity focus, so I use my own lens and expand them even wider and to a very nice point in the clouds.

The size of the exiting beam from the crystal is the part we can't change, you could have a 1mm beam at the aperture, but far field will not be as tight, in fact even the ones that look like they come to a point far away are really a much bigger spot, it just looks small because of our perception, just like streetlights look a lot bigger sitting on the ground by your feet than up on a wire, imagine how big that green dot really is...it's many feet wide in the clouds but looks like a pin point.

Now they could employ and align a lot of complicated telescopic optics, but they slowly rob power and 1mm or 2 out has never been a big selling point, just match lighting at the expense of a moon size spot.

I like the infinity focus myself.

In short you can change your final focus lens and have a sub mm beam, but your far field spot will be bigger.




This is with just the final focus lens removed and my own larger and longer focal length lens in the sliding tube, this simple setup allows me to get a pinpoint looking far field dot. The output is smaller than it looks, I should have set a penny down under it, now without the double concave inside that is right now expanding the beam out of the crystal the beam is hair thin, but diverges faster. My set up makes a 2.5 - 3.5 mm beam out of the end of my slider, but the spot will paint the bottoms of clouds quite well. Yes the paste is mounting type and has solidified, but I know I should clean it up.
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