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Pointers for diodes? Technical question


Feb 13, 2015

I have some lasers along my DJ equipment, and currently I am in progress of making quite big RGB laser. I've bought some dpss modules (green) that had broken diodes but good optics and larger crystals (4x bigger than in cheap laser pointers, integrated in long brass ring with temperature sensing) - price of good C-mount 808nm diodes (not those crappy 805nm ones that doesnt even work cause, guess what, 805 doesnt double to 1064, I wonder who falls for this) is ridiculous, so I have an idea - maybe I could buy some crappy 'billion miliwatts' chinese dpss laser pointers (the bigger ones like 303, etc.) and harvest diodes from them - it doesnt have to be c-mount, 1000mw 9mm would also do cus my neighbour can make any kind of host from brass if I asked to - anyone knows what diodes sit in those lasers? They output over 120mW of green as far as I've known with really crappy crystal (too weak for this power so those pointers rarely work for longer than few days) so maybe those diodes are good? It would still be cheaper and faster than ordering diodes from ebay. Anyone knows more about the subject?

We can help you better if you actually told us which DPSS modules you bought.
No idea about their name, one is from polish disco laser scanner circa 100mW output power rated (well known disco equipment producer so they wont give false data), second one is fantasylasers 500mW green as far as I remember (this one has TEC and temperature sensing), both are C-mount. I could buy a diode but I just dont trust ebay for some reason, I've searched for c-mount diodes and they are really.. NON trustworthy, some of them are rated 805nm (almost useless), rest doesnt have datasheet at all, and how can I know if they send me weaker version - also it would take ages to reach my country. So I try to find another solution. Remaking the hosts wont be a problem if I got a diode of another type, and my skill in lasers is good enough to properly assemble a dpss. The diodes from the big modules I was talking about were beyond salvage, one had COD, second one was leaking current in both directions, but crystals and whole assembly is okay
No idea about their name, one is from polish disco laser scanner circa 100mW output power rated (well known disco equipment producer so they wont give false data), second one is fantasylasers 500mW green as far as I remember (this one has TEC and temperature sensing), both are C-mount. I could buy a diode but I just dont trust ebay for some reason, I've searched for c-mount diodes and they are really.. NON trustworthy, some of them are rated 805nm (almost useless), rest doesnt have datasheet at all, and how can I know if they send me weaker version - also it would take ages to reach my country. So I try to find another solution. Remaking the hosts wont be a problem if I got a diode of another type, and my skill in lasers is good enough to properly assemble a dpss. The diodes from the big modules I was talking about were beyond salvage, one had COD, second one was leaking current in both directions, but crystals and whole assembly is okay

These C-mounts will work:

Laser Diode 4W 4 Watt 4000mW 808nm C Mount YAG YVO4 DPSS Pump New JDSU 2380 C | eBay

From Junktronix, a known and trusted seller who has the equipment to test and verify functionality. He's also a member on some of the laser forums.
No idea about their name, one is from polish disco laser scanner circa 100mW output power rated (well known disco equipment producer so they wont give false data), second one is fantasylasers 500mW green as far as I remember (this one has TEC and temperature sensing), both are C-mount. I could buy a diode but I just dont trust ebay for some reason, I've searched for c-mount diodes and they are really.. NON trustworthy, some of them are rated 805nm (almost useless), rest doesnt have datasheet at all, and how can I know if they send me weaker version - also it would take ages to reach my country. So I try to find another solution. Remaking the hosts wont be a problem if I got a diode of another type, and my skill in lasers is good enough to properly assemble a dpss. The diodes from the big modules I was talking about were beyond salvage, one had COD, second one was leaking current in both directions, but crystals and whole assembly is okay

There are a lot of 808nm diode makers and suppliers globally. If you do not trust anyone on ebay to give you a true 808nm diode and it will take to long to get to you, it would seem the only choices are to buy complete modules or buy 808nm diodes locally from one of the supliers in your country.

What Country are you in?
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