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FrozenGate by Avery

Under-powered laser pointer?

Recently i bought this laser pointer:

100mW Single-Point Pattern Green Light Laser Pointer Pen with 16340 Battery Black at Laserpointerpro.com

Now i know that it was cheap, and that i should expect the quality to be below average, but after turning it on i found it to be less powerful than my 1mW laser.
What do i do??

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

One thing I can recommend to increase it's burning ability is to try and put a magnifying glass in front of the aperture. Now, im not making any promises that it will burn anything but it's worth a try.

That being said,
First off you will need to buy safety goggles since 100mW of 532nm will immediately cause damage to you/others. Below is a link to some great goggles which will protect your eyeballs :)
Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles

If you want a true 100mW 532nm which has both quality and a great price check out the link below:
HL 532nm 50-300

One thing I can recommend to increase it's burning ability is to try and put a magnifying glass in front of the aperture. Now, im not making any promises that it will burn anything but it's worth a try.

That being said,
First off you will need to buy safety goggles since 100mW of 532nm will immediately cause damage to you/others. Below is a link to some great goggles which will protect your eyeballs :)
Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles

If you want a true 100mW 532nm which has both quality and a great price check out the link below:
HL 532nm 50-300


Don't worry i bought some goggles with it :)
