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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for green laser?


Dec 27, 2011
Hey there;

I'm looking for a green laser module or pointer that's around 100 mW...

Doesn't have to be IR filtered or anything. I've just now appreciated how cool greenies are (with my cheap little green pointer from ebay)

I can make you something electronic as a trade. (plasma speakers, power supplies, etc)

I would just buy one, but at the moment my funds are in an interesting place...


I have a pre-aligned lens assembly, MCA, and housing for a 9mm 808nm diode that with apropriate diode will hit 100mW. It was my WL Nexus, the pump diode finally died after many years.
I have a pre-aligned lens assembly, MCA, and housing for a 9mm 808nm diode that with apropriate diode will hit 100mW. It was my WL Nexus, the pump diode finally died after many years.

From my understanding aren't DPSS lasers hard to get realigned again?
This is already aligned, the MCA is fixed in alignment with the internal beam expander. All one would need to do is insert a new 9mm diode and rotate it until max 532nm output is achieved. This housing/heatsink is a screw-ring retainer system, not press-fit so you literally just add the diode and driver and rotate for best output. I know it used to draw 650mA driver side before, so I would think you would need at least a 500mW pump diode. a 1W pump would probably yield much higher output than it used to.
Mm. Whatcha want for it? o:

I suppose I could build that HV supply for you.... I'd need to locate a 9 mm diode though. :/

Do you think the KTP and crystal set could handle a 1 watt pump?
I thinkt he crystal could handle it no problem. How about half off the HV supply? I wouldn't feel right with a flat out swap since you need to source the diode.
That sounds alright.

But we haven't even discussed the pricing for the HVDC power supply...

Would $30 plus the broken laser be good? Or is that a tad too high?

Also, where can I get a 0.5 watt - 1 watt diode for relatively good pricing?
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Sounds good, for some reason I thought we figured about $60 heh. Pm me your address and I'll send the module, you finish the hvdc supply and I'll send over the payment. Sound good?

Iirc Rayfoss has 808nm diodes.

Edit; I forgot to add; if you absolutely can't get it to work with a confirmed true 808nm diode after the HV is done, I'll pay the rest of the price for the supply.
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