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FrozenGate by Avery

Yet another burning ebay "5mw" laser video

Dec 17, 2014
I'm going to try and start a laser channel, and as this is all i can afford right now ;) heres my first:

I do not yet have an lpm, but my guess is around 40-50mw from what i can gather from other videos. Also this is one of 4 that i ordered, 2 of which were burning like so, and 1 of which was super dim even when fully charged. The other started bright and after about a second got dim(dot changed shape too) i know theres a name for that, im still pretty new though. i ended up getting a replacement(which is shown here) and it worked really well! To sum it all up, some work and some dont, make sure your seller will offer a replacement if it breaks.

Are you wearing goggles? You might be getting 40-50mW of 532 but you're getting a hell of a lot of IR also to light matches that fast.
dot shape change is called mode hopping. Maybe between tem00 and tem01.
What are the other lasers wavelengths?
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Are you wearing goggles? You might be getting 40-50mW of 532 but you're getting a hell of a lot of IR also to light matches that fast.

Thanks for the warning, i wasnt expecting to even need goggles since it was advertsed at 5mw but they will be arriving soon...
Yeah goggles are a must when you're burning things like matches or anything up close. Did you order the right pair for your lasers? I can give you some links if you need.
Yeah goggles are a must when you're burning things like matches or anything up close. Did you order the right pair for your lasers? I can give you some links if you need.
yeah since i dont have any rediculously high powered ones yet what would you recommend?
