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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: TechLasers Crossfire power key


Jun 18, 2008
Anyone know where I can get this part? Its the power key that plugs into the back of the laser case. It looks like a "s-video" plug.....

MGDETT said:
Anyone know where I can get this part? Its the power key that plugs into the back of the laser case. It looks like a "s-video" plug.....

Check out Radio Shack - grab an OEM plug, and solder a jumper wire in there...make sure you connect the right pins !
You could probably just email techlasers and they'd tell you how to do it.
MGDETT said:
Do you by any chance know what are the right pins to connect?

Did you lose the other one, or is it simply broken ? If you have a multi-meter, you can figure out th pins very easily..... turn on the laser - pick one pin for the positive - and move the other probe around (the negative one) until the laser lights up. If you get to the last pin without it working, then put the negative probe onto the pin you ariginally selected, and move the positive probe around. After you identify them - use that $2.87 SVGA or PS2 (Cannot recall which it is) plug, and identify the pins that need joined together....
Oh yeah, turn the multimeter on to either continuity testing, or DC voltage - at about 10V would be fine. :) THAT should get you back up and running !
