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With a Laser, how can I erase or burn or distort the serial number under glass? Please check the pictures

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New member
Mar 25, 2022
Hi guys,
My company has asked me to find a solution to distort or erase or burn the serial numbers under the glass on solar panels. We are doing this since the warranty for all the solar panels is void. Solar panels have no problem and they are 100% in working condition. They can be used for another 25 years. However, we cannot provide the warranties. The solar panels are given away for free to developing countries.

Please have a look at the two pictures. The text sticker is under the glass. The glass is tempered glass and it can easily shatter if over heated.

Any help, guidance or directions would be very much appreciated. If you know of a product that can get the job done, a web link will be very much appreciated.



If you focused a laser behind the glass you might be able to ablate the black ink on the sticker and attempt to make it unrecognizable, but hard to tell what would happen without trying it
This could be potential criminal behavior so maybe we shouldn't give advice.
Sounds like just that.
Even a retarded chimpanzee knows a serial number does not confer any warranties of any kind on any product of any kind by any manufacturer LOL So... you are talking demented moron level activity at best and criminal behavior by incredibly stuoid people trying to wipe out serial number on purloined solar panels
Exactly. The real question is why would someone want to do this? Sounds like someone wants a way to remove labels protected under glass. Not sure what for but I'm sure there's a plethora of reasons for it. At any rate I'm gonna close the thread just in case.
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