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Wiring $3 Keychain Laser - Need Advice

May 16, 2015
Hi all.. I'm in the middle of a nerf gun mod project and I am attempting to re-wire a keychain laser to use as a laser light. I'm very new to electronics and some youtube videos have gotten me close but I am stumped at this point as to where to wire my positive and negative leads. I know the neg battery cap was attached to the post/spring and the positive used the casing of the laser toy somehow. I saw where a few guys soldered the positive lead to the top casing but this one is all plastic so I know that isn't the answer. I plan on using the same type of button to turn it on and off but it will be mounted on the toy gun..not the board. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Looks like there's only two contacts, so I'd say bottom is - and top is +
