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FrozenGate by Avery

Will there ever be another IM chat?

Jun 7, 2007
I made a thread a long time ago about this. A Java IM Chat. The one that was added didn't use Java, and it had to refresh, wasn't exactly the greatest IM client lol. A few members used it, but I feel that if we could get a flash IM or Java IM in a more noticeable location of the forum, more members would use it.
What do you guys think? would an IM client here on the forum be something you would use? One like the one on L.E. (assuming it's still there).

I didn't think this thread fit into the polls section, so that's why i posted it in other.

Yeah, that would be awesome!

I mean, LaserChat is cool and all, but a real chat gadget would be better.

I would like it to be in a specific part of the forum though; it would probably be best not to have it on the front page or anything (the language can be colorful at LaserChat sometimes.)

I remember everytime I tried using laserchat it always said it was down, now I simply just can't find it.
#laserchat is always around now. I'm there almost every day.

If anything, include a chat client that connects to #laserchat. Otherwise, mibbit works fine for those new to IRC. And once you become more experienced, grab a real IRC client. :)
hey looks like it's working for me now, maybe it wasn't firefox friendly, im using chrome now.
That would be cool if we could get a portible laserchat app here on the forum.
