I have not purchased anything from Wicked Lasers, so I cannot give an opinion one way or another, except on the glaringly obvious lack of proper design on the red Pulsar series, which some had apertures that partially blocked the beam, and none currently have driver circuitry to properly run the diode, which is mandatory.
Beefygt posted a pic in lasercommunity of his green laser; the beam exits the case at a ridiculous angle and that laser should never have left the factory.
Often you will hear bad comments about a company or their products out of proportion to good comments, because although some satisfied customers take time to write, most do not, but the majority of those that have had a bad experience will tend to bitch about it. That has to be taken into account. I'm sure the majority of Wicked's customers are satisfied with their lasers.
I try to avoid the infighting and the politics. I study the reviews of the laser items themselves, and try to get as much info as I can about their design, build quality, failure rates, beam quality specs, duty cycle etc., as possible before I make a purchase decision. I don't care who makes the laser or really even what it looks like, as long as it's properly done on the inside, which is where it really counts, and I will not hesitate to point out a problem when I see it.