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FrozenGate by Avery

wich  and where to buy

Oct 2, 2007
hi guys, i want to buy a green laser and i have like 100$ to use on it but i can add some more if theres a good one a little mroe expensive.

between 50mw-150mw

i would like to buy one with range 7.5 miles something like 10kilometers or a bit less or more.
one that u can see the beam at night wich would be really cool =).
il pay with credit card , and it needs to ship to portugal as im from portugal .

i already searched on ebay but i dont thinks its somehting i can trust much and ive been on several laser websites
but lasers seems expensive.

what about novalasers is it a good place to buy i saw some cool laser with cases to keep laser looks very nice and not to much expensive i gess

any advices on where to buy ? i would apreciated

